hanna-nouveau 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hanna-nouveau
rack-cache 1.17.0
Rack::Cache is suitable as a quick drop-in component to enable HTTP caching for Rack-ba...
57,864,057 下載
rlua 1.2
Ruby to Lua bindings
60,763 下載
gnip_api 1.2.4
GnipApi will allow you to interact with most Gnip APIs and data.
49,598 下載
gash 0.1.4
Gash = Git + Hash
37,696 下載
free-image 0.8.1
FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support ...
36,673 下載
krpc 0.4.1
kRPC-rb is a Ruby client library for kRPC, a Kerbal Space Program mod that allows you t...
29,054 下載
nuodb 2.0.3
An easy to use database API for the NuoDB distributed database.
23,680 下載
nuodb 2.0.3
An easy to use database API for the NuoDB distributed database.
23,680 下載
keymap 0.3.2
Helping Ruby developers and their companies, unlock their key-value store data, through...
16,018 下載
web3 0.4.1
A client library for connecting to an Ethereum Web3 JSON RPC service
14,489 下載
papyrus 0.0.2
Papyrus is a PDF generator plugin for RDoc based on LaTeX. It allows you to turn your p...
12,686 下載
ruby-xbee 1.2.1
Middleware for controlling an XBee module from Ruby. Series 1, Series 2 modules suppo...
7,814 下載
lorca 0.5.0
Lorca is a passphrase generator based on diceware made available by the EFF. Passwords,...
6,163 下載
universe-devtools 0.1.1
gem install universe-devtools
4,469 下載
web3_lib 0.4.2
A client library for connecting to an Ethereum Web3 JSON RPC service
2,136 下載