hash-deep-merge 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hash-deep-merge
lazy_high_charts 1.6.1
lazy_high_charts is leading edge rubyist render charts gem for displaying Highcharts gr...
2,610,246 下載
oas_parser 0.25.4
A parser for Open API specifications
1,292,869 下載
docman 0.0.107
Docman made for DOCroot MANagement for Drupal projects
252,441 下載
harpy 1.1.0
Client for REST API with HATEOAS
171,705 下載
app_stack 1.6.2
Merge app source code in a stack to increase module reusability
89,524 下載
skink 0.7.2
A Ruby DSL for testing REST APIs.
38,144 下載
yaml_configuration 0.0.11
Load, merge and provide sensible error messages when using yaml based configuration
34,351 下載
lazy_google_analytics 0.1.6
google analytics api access for the lazy ones
27,223 下載
bigbroda 0.0.7
GoogleBigQuery ActiveRecord Adapter & standalone API client
27,110 下載
curriculum-generator 1.0.7
Curriculum Vitae generator
22,039 下載
cocoapods-soul-component-plugin 0.0.25
A short description of cocoapods-soul-component-plugin.
20,603 下載
proctor 0.0.4
Proctor: a Process Manager
13,245 下載
settings-tree 0.2.1
This gem offers you a convenient settings structure for parameterizing your application...
11,266 下載
hashconfig 0.0.2
Simple configuration mechanism through serialized hash
7,762 下載
untranslated 1.0.2
This gem sniffers your untranslated keys and store them as they come to ./log
6,845 下載
layeredyamlconfig 1.4.4
LayeredYAMLConfig provides a simple config file that supports multiple layers. Values ...
6,630 下載
metabase_cli 0.1.5
Cli for Metabase API
5,018 下載
oas_parser_reborn 0.25.5
A parser for Open API specifications
4,677 下載
lazy_high_charts_tomgi 1.2.2
lazy_high_charts is a Rails 3.x gem for displaying Highcharts graphs.
4,442 下載
contracts_api_test 0.0.1
Consumer-Driven Contracts
4,365 下載
just_high_charts 0.0.1
just_high_charts simply provides a HighCharts object for use with Highcharts.js
3,529 下載