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hashy_db 2.0.0.pre.2

Ruby library to interact with in-memory hash database collections. Offers very little technical dependencies. In order to develop or run the tests for your application you just need ruby installed, run bundle install and you're good to go. No need to install and start your database, migrate, etc.

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  1. 2.1.0 - June 08, 2013 (9.5 KB)
  2. 2.0.3 - March 29, 2013 (9.0 KB)
  3. 2.0.2 - March 18, 2013 (7.0 KB)
  4. 2.0.1 - February 26, 2013 (7.0 KB)
  5. 2.0.0.pre.3 - November 02, 2012 (7.0 KB)
  6. 2.0.0.pre.2 - November 01, 2012 (7.0 KB)
显示所有版本 (共 21 个)

Development 依赖 (8):

debugger ~> 1.2
guard-rspec ~> 0.6
mince = 2.0.0.pre.2
rake ~> 0.9
rb-fsevent ~> 0.9.0
redcarpet ~> 2.1
rspec ~> 2.0
yard ~> 0.7



  • Matt Simpson, Jason Mayer, Asynchrony

SHA 256 校验和:

= 复制到剪贴板 已复制!

下载总量 70,991

这个版本 2,289


需要的 Ruby 版本: ~> 1.9.0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: > 1.3.1
