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hoe-packaging 1.2.0

hoe-packaging is a plugin for the hoe ruby projecthelper ( It provides creation of rpm and deb packages, also a deployment to bintray. The History.rdoc contains a detailed description on what has changed. For most users the NEWS file might be a better place to look since it contains change summaries between the different versions. youtube_dlhelper is released under the GPL3 License, see the file 'License.rdoc' for more information. The official web site is:

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  1. 1.2.8 - July 10, 2020 (20 KB)
  2. 1.2.7 - June 25, 2020 (20 KB)
  3. 1.2.6 - June 25, 2020 (20 KB)
  4. 1.2.5 - May 18, 2019 (20 KB)
  5. 1.2.4 - June 27, 2018 (22 KB)
  6. 1.2.0 - October 20, 2017 (22.5 KB)
Show all versions (16 total)

Runtime Dependencies (3):

bundler ~> 1.15
fpm ~> 1.9
fpm-cookery ~> 0.33

Development Dependencies (16):

coveralls ~> 0.8
hoe ~> 3.16
hoe-bundler ~> 1.3
hoe-doofus ~> 1.0
hoe-git ~> 1.6
hoe-manns ~> 1.6
hoe-reek ~> 1.1
hoe-rubocop ~> 1.0
hoe-rubygems ~> 1.0
hoe-travis ~> 1.3
hoe-version ~> 1.2
rake ~> 12.1
rdoc ~> 5.1
reek ~> 4.7
rspec ~> 3.7
rubocop ~> 0.51



  • Sascha Manns

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 31,462

For this version 1,728



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.2.0
