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html-proofer 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 html-proofer

graphql-docs 4.0.0

Library and CLI for generating a website from a GraphQL API's schema definition. Wi...

20,948,256 下载

jekyll-seo-tag 2.8.0

A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better i...

10,607,238 下载

jekyll-theme-hacker 0.2.0

Hacker is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,820,726 下载

jekyll-theme-primer 0.6.0

Primer is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages based on GitHub's Primer styles

3,768,644 下载

jekyll-theme-minimal 0.2.0

Minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,724,046 下载

jekyll-theme-architect 0.2.0

Architect is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,720,172 下载

jekyll-theme-cayman 0.2.0

Cayman is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,718,241 下载

jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.2.0

Time Machine is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,716,243 下载

jekyll-theme-midnight 0.2.0

Midnight is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,709,073 下载

jekyll-theme-tactile 0.2.0

Tactile is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,709,009 下载

jekyll-theme-merlot 0.2.0

Merlot is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,707,174 下载

jekyll-theme-slate 0.2.0

Slate is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,707,090 下载

jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.2.0

Leap Day is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,706,656 下载

jekyll-theme-modernist 0.2.0

Modernist is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,705,657 下载

jekyll-theme-dinky 0.2.0

Dinky is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

3,703,782 下载

jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin 1.8.0

Plugin for Jekyll 2.x and 3.x that adds support for translated keys, templates and posts.

475,957 下载

jekyll-theme-open-project 2.1.14

Open Project Jekyll theme

152,217 下载

shipyard-framework 1.0.1

A lightweight CSS framework for developing mobile-first projects in Ruby on Rails.

133,537 下载

swedbank-pay-design-guide-jekyll-theme 2.3.1

Swedbank Pay Design Guide theme for Jekyll

108,404 下载

jekyll-webmention_io 4.0.0

This Gem includes a suite of tools for managing webmentions in Jekyll: * Tags * Coun...

78,603 下载

lightning_sites 1.4.25

Lightning Sites gives you beautifully simple deployment for your ~/Sites folders, inspi...

72,881 下载

jekyll-theme-isotc211 0.6.0

ISO/TC 211 Jekyll theme

52,361 下载

html-proofer-unrendered-markdown 0.2.0

Adds extra validation to rendered markdown

48,162 下载

modern-resume-theme 2.0.10

A modern simple static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.

47,411 下载

panthera-jekyll 1.4.2

A quick and simple responsive developer portfolio theme for jekyll sites and GitHub Pages.

44,403 下载

bravissimo 0.0.24

A Jekyll theme (using Bootstrap)

33,382 下载

html-proofer-mailto_awesome 1.0.6

A custom html-proofer test that makes your mailto links awesome

27,430 下载

bridgetown-seo-tag 6.0.0

A Bridgetown plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to bett...

26,599 下载

maxima 1.0.11

A Jekyll Theme. Under permanent construction.

25,924 下载

jekyll-test 1.5.0

A highly opinionated test configuration for Jekyll sites.

22,419 下载

下载总量 5,720,837

这个版本 8,895



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.1, < 4.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
