Dépendances inversées pour httpi Latest version of the following gems require httpi
google-ads-savon 2.0.0
Delicious SOAP for the Ruby community
10 146 051 Téléchargements
api-auth 2.5.1
Full HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.
4 634 973 Téléchargements
active_campaign 0.1.16
A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API
679 955 Téléchargements
oddb2xml 2.9.7
oddb2xml creates xml files using swissINDEX, BAG-XML and Swissmedic.
432 872 Téléchargements
savon_model 1.2.0
Model for SOAP service oriented applications
374 949 Téléchargements
washout_builder 2.0.5
WashOut Soap Service HTML-Documentation generator (extends WashOut https://github.com/i...
280 551 Téléchargements
qbwc 1.1.0
A Rails interface for Intuit's Quickbooks Web Connector that's OPEN SOURCE!
274 950 Téléchargements
Afip 1.5.6
Gema para la comunicacion con los Web Services de AFIP.
243 240 Téléchargements
gitcycle 0.3.5
Tame your development cycle.
219 321 Téléchargements
mandrill 0.0.4
Ruby gem for interacting with the Mandrill API.
131 960 Téléchargements
uv-rays 2.4.7
Opinionated abstractions for Libuv
130 702 Téléchargements
wsdl_validator 0.2.0
Makes verifying a SOAP message against a WSDL easy.
129 185 Téléchargements
bixby-common 0.7.1
Bixby Common files/libs
107 534 Téléchargements
smess 3.3.1
A mess of SMS messaging
80 064 Téléchargements
stockboy 1.3.2
Supports importing data over various transports with key-value remapping & normaliz...
67 920 Téléchargements
anti-captcha 0.1.1
AntiCaptcha api ruby wrapper
59 814 Téléchargements
conf_conf 2.0.4
Verify correctness of environment variables
59 512 Téléchargements
sisow 2.1
This gem implements the REST API of the Sisow payment provider.
54 360 Téléchargements
apidiesel 0.15
Build API clients through an expressive DSL
50 892 Téléchargements
geti 3.1.1
A middleware gem for interfacing with Global eTelecom's ACH processing service.
50 752 Téléchargements
lyracyst 1.3.1
See Leximaven https://github.com/drawnepicenter/leximaven.
50 057 Téléchargements
icontrol 0.3.9
This gem allows you to Connect to a F5 appliance by means of its web services
48 396 Téléchargements
bixby-client 0.5.3
Bixby Client
47 412 Téléchargements
kumo_dockercloud 3.6.0
Use to create Redbubble environments on the DockerCloud platform
43 155 Téléchargements
overpass-api-ruby 0.3.1
A Ruby wrapper for OpenStreetMap Overpass API
39 955 Téléchargements
kuji-cube 1.7.0
Eases the pain I had to go through to get to the data out of XMLA based OLAP provider(M...
38 539 Téléchargements
httpi-adapter-typhoeus 1.0.1
An adapter for HTTPI that uses Typhoeus
36 564 Téléchargements
karotz 0.4.2
ruby bindings for karotz rest api
35 408 Téléchargements
mavensmate 0.0.9
MavensMate is a Sublime Text package that allows Force.com developers to develop Apex a...
34 581 Téléchargements
memotoo 2.0.3
Unofficial gem for connecting to memotoo.com with their soap-api and handle your contac...
34 486 Téléchargements