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imap_processor 1.8.1

IMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server. It provides some basic mechanisms for connecting to an IMAP server, determining capabilities and handling messages. IMAPProcessor ships with several executables which can query and manipulate IMAP mailboxes in several different ways: imap_archive :: Archives old messages to a new dated mailbox. imap_cleanse :: Delete messages older than a certain age in specified mailboxes. imap_flag :: Flag messages to/from certain people. imap_idle :: Shows new messages in a mailbox. imap_keywords :: Queries an IMAP server for keywords set on messages imap_learn :: Flags messages based on what you've flagged before. imap_mkdir :: Ensures that certain mailboxes exist.




  1. 1.8.1 July 27, 2023 (26 KB)
  2. 1.8.0 January 09, 2023 (26 KB)
  3. 1.7 June 04, 2020 (25 KB)
  4. 1.6 October 17, 2014 (24.5 KB)
  5. 1.5 August 07, 2014 (24.5 KB)
Show all versions (11 total)

Development Dependencies (2):

hoe ~> 4.0
rdoc >= 4.0, < 7


Pushed by:


  • Ryan Davis, Eric Hodel

SHA 256 checksum:


Signature validity period:

January 01, 2023 - January 01, 2024 (expired)

Total downloads 33,697

For this version 629

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
