impostor 0.0.1
Makes automatic posts to the following forum applications: * Web Wiz Forums (WWF) 7.9 * Web Wiz Forums (WWF) 8.0 * PHP Bullitin Board (phpBB) 2.0 (2.0.22) == SYNOPSIS: # config yaml has options specefic to wwf79, wwf80, phpbb2, etc. # read the impostor docs for options to the kind of forum in use # config can be keyed by symbols or strings config = YAML::load_file('conf/impostor.yml') post = message = %q{hello world is to application programmers as tea pots are to graphics programmers} # your application stores forum and topic ids,topic=10,message) # make a new topic subject = "about programmers..." post.new_topic(forum=7,subject,message) post.logout