inch 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 inch
java-properties 0.3.0
Tool for loading and writing Java properties files
7,854,878 下载
simple_token_authentication 1.18.1
Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
5,078,340 下载
rspec-json_matchers 0.1.0
This gem provides a collection of RSpec matchers for testing JSON data. It aims to ...
804,536 下载
money-currencylayer-bank 0.7.2
A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from an...
766,075 下载
candy_check 0.6.0
Check and verify in-app receipts
676,156 下载
wice_grid 7.1.4
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
524,980 下载
capistrano_multiconfig_parallel 2.8.1
CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...
472,476 下载
dns-zone 0.3.1
A Ruby library for building and parsing DNS zone files for use with Bind and PowerDNS (...
385,512 下载
washout_builder 2.0.5
WashOut Soap Service HTML-Documentation generator (extends WashOut
280,546 下载
eight_ball 2.2.1
Ask questions about flagged features
253,597 下载
sjekksum 0.1.1
A gem to provide some checksum algorithms like Damm, ISBN-10/13, Luhn, UPC and Verhoeff.
194,483 下载
celluloid_pubsub 2.0.0
CelluloidPubsub is a simple ruby implementation of publish subscribe design patterns us...
160,095 下载
addic7ed 3.0.0
Ruby script (cli) to fetch subtitles on Addic7ed
117,229 下载
inch_ci-worker 0.3.10
Worker for the Inch CI project
100,189 下载
hoodie 1.0.3
A collection of hipster methods and hoodie tools to make even the nerdy rubyist look cool.
97,445 下载
dredd-rack 1.0.0
Convenient API blueprint testing with Apiary Dredd for Rack applications.
88,834 下载
asana_exception_notifier 2.2.0
Simple ruby implementation to send notifications to Asana when a exception happen...
87,235 下载
update_repo 0.11.3
A Simple Gem to keep multiple locally-cloned Git Repositories up to date
78,114 下载
ashikawa-core 0.14.0
Ashikawa Core is a wrapper around the ArangoDB REST API. It provides low level access a...
73,250 下载
uuids 5.0.0
AR model to store uuids assigned to various resources. It is expected a resource can be...
64,150 下载
openstax_kitchen 19.0.0
OpenStax content baking library
63,905 下载
google-idtoken-verifier 0.2.0
Ruby interface to Google's API to verify ID tokens
63,716 下载
guts 3.1.2
A mountable, extendbale, multisite, CMS engine for Rails 5with a basic dashboard interf...
59,440 下载
tax_generator 0.8.0
Tax generator is a simple XML processor and generator of HTMl files and uses celluloid ...
54,055 下载
clintegracon 0.9.0
CLIntegracon allows you to build Integration specs for your CLI,independent if they are...
47,820 下载
flatrack 1.4.1
A rack based static site builder with templates, layouts and project structure based ro...
45,983 下载
paper_house 0.6.2
Rake tasks for compiling C projects.
44,685 下载
hexx-suit 2.3.2
The module collects gems used for development and testing.
41,824 下载
benchin 0.1.0
Benchmarking toolset for performance investigations.
39,849 下载
rakuna 1.0.1
Rakuna provides mixins to simplify Webmachine development
37,470 下载