inch 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 inch
pwice_grid 7.0.0
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
12,570 下載
images_gallery 1.1.0
Generate a set of static HTML files from an XML representation of EXIF data so users ca...
12,148 下載
corrector 0.1.0
Text correction using words and phrases dictionaries.
12,019 下載
groff_parser 0.4.0
Tiny library to parse groff files, with some handy metods to manage directories with a ...
11,607 下載
crypt_ident 0.2.7
Authentication module using BCrypt; initially Hanami-specific.
11,113 下載
mac-say 0.2.2
Ruby wrapper around the modern version of the macOS `say` command. Inspired by the @bra...
10,879 下載
reviewer 0.1.5
Provides a unified approach to managing automated code quality tools.
10,060 下載
business_insight_api_client 0.3.0
Business Insight API client
8,621 下載
quiz_master 0.0.3
Simple manager for multiple choice quizzes
8,501 下載
rakuna-core 1.0.2
Reusable classes and mixins for Webmachine-powered projects. The intent of these is to ...
8,440 下載
simple_encryptor 0.0.3
Simple, url-safe, opinionated string encryption
8,207 下載
ssh-bookmarks 0.0.4
A dead simple cli ssh server list.
8,062 下載
shopify_app_whitelist 2.0.0
Adds a feature to whitelist certain shops to access your shopify_app installation
8,034 下載
rakuna-validation-json 2.0.0
Adds support for validating JSON objects against a JSON schema to your Webmachine resou...
7,722 下載
contracted_value 0.1.3
Library for creating contracted immutable(by default) value objects supported by contra...
7,609 下載
slack_scratcher 0.2
Importing slack log from exported files or API to elasticsearch or other datastores
7,588 下載
rakuna-session-redis 1.0.2
Adds expiring session support to your Webmachine project, using Redis as a datastore
7,429 下載
network_utils 0.1.3
A set of utils to get URL info before downloading a resource, work with ports, etc.
7,405 下載
nucleus 0.3.1
Nucleus is a unified API for deployment and management of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) ...
7,381 下載
wice_grid_ms 3.6.2
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
6,633 下載
haml-flatrack 1.0.0
Haml for flatrack
6,501 下載
im_exporter 0.0.2
Export iMessage conversations into TXT or PDF files
5,563 下載
redmine-per_user_status 0.1.0
Allows users to set a custom status which will be displayed next to their names when ch...
5,408 下載
rakuna-content-json 1.0.1
`rakuna-content-json` adds mixins for parsing and generating JSON
5,358 下載
rakuna-authentication-github 1.0.1
Adds GitHub authentication strategies to your Webmachine resources
5,331 下載
rakuna-data-redis 1.0.1
Adds support for redis to your Webmachine project, with autodetection
5,306 下載
rakuna-integration-github 1.0.1
Adds GitHub integration via Octokit to your Webmachine project
5,298 下載
rakuna-content-signature 1.0.1
Adds support for HMAC signatures with optional shared secrets to your Webmachine resources
5,268 下載
weeb 0.1.0
A gem that utilizes the API.
5,187 下載
sinatra-shopified 0.11.0
Provides some boilerplate helpers and routes for Shopify apps with Sinatra 1 & Sina...
4,842 下載