jekyll-commonmark 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 jekyll-commonmark
jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.5.1
CommonMark generator for Jekyll
3,966,215 下载
alembic-jekyll-theme 4.1.0
A Jekyll boilerplate theme designed to be a starting point for any Jekyll website. Rath...
155,355 下载
editorial-autogestiva-jekyll-theme 0.4.2
Una plantilla para editoriales autogestivas
29,222 下载
adhesiones-jekyll-theme 0.4.1
Plantilla para juntar adhesiones
14,661 下载
radios-comunitarias-jekyll-theme 0.2.0
Theme for community radio
9,298 下载
recursero-jekyll-theme 0.3.0
Theme used in inspired by CloudCannon's base-jekyll-template
8,797 下载
observatorio-jekyll-theme 0.1.7
5,577 下载
kids 0.2.0
A theme for Jekyll.
5,499 下载
empresa-recuperada-jekyll-theme 0.2.6
Empresa Recuperada
2,059 下载
zikode-jekyll-theme 0.1.1
A Jekyll theme designed to be a starting point for my Jekyll websites.
1,195 下载
Han-theme 1.0.0
A longer description of my_gem
300 下载