jekyll-remote-theme 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 jekyll-remote-theme
github-pages 232
Bootstrap the GitHub Pages Jekyll environment locally.
6,448,701 下載
isomer-jekyll 0.1.0
Bootstrap the Isomer Pages Jekyll environment
1,141,026 下載
techdoc-jekyll-theme 0.2.3
TechDoc is a Jekyll theme designed for writing technical documentation! It's quick and ...
22,753 下載
simport 1.7.0
A simple portfolio and blog theme for jekyll.
20,643 下載
jekyll-v4-github-pages 240
Bootstrap the GitHub Pages Jekyll v4 environment locally.
6,145 下載
ad-github-pages 231.4
Bootstrap the GitHub Pages Jekyll environment locally.
3,531 下載
jekyll-theme-clean-portfolio 1.0.1
A clean jekyll theme for your Blog and Portfolio website
2,297 下載
jekyll-theme-fos 1.1.0
A Tufte inspired minimal blog theme
2,166 下載
lucidus 0.0.1
A super minimal and lightweight jekyll theme.
1,386 下載