RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para json_api_client La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren json_api_client

json_api_model 0.5.0

Wrapper for JsonApiClient for in-app business logic.

191.611 Descargas

productive 0.6.76

Productive API client

145.943 Descargas

frederick_api 0.10

Ruby client for the Frederick API

64.835 Descargas

cirro-ruby-client 2.6.3

Simple wrapper for Cirro API

50.054 Descargas

nex_client 0.17.0

Client library for Maestrano Nex!™ PaaS

49.385 Descargas

json_api_resource 3.1.4

Wrapper Gem to extend the JsonApiClient::Resource

45.848 Descargas

api_client_bulk_loader 0.1.14


33.683 Descargas

json_api_client_mock 0.3.0

Adds methods to JsonApiClient allowing you to easily mock test results

27.583 Descargas


Authenicate against DINA's Keycloak and access its models

24.543 Descargas

didww-v3 4.1.0

Ruby client for DIDWW API v3

22.287 Descargas

bureaucrat_ruby 0.1.0

Validate argentine CBU and CUIT codes in ruby See

17.766 Descargas

json_ffi_client 0.1.0

Build ruby JSON-FFI clients using ffi & json_api_client

17.670 Descargas

instant2fa 1.0.2

A library for using the Instant 2FA API.

17.338 Descargas

polyglot_cli 0.2.0

A ruby cli that takes translations from Polyglot and writes them to yml locale files. A...

17.060 Descargas

flutter_polyglot_cli 1.2.1

A CLI for pulling polyglot translations and generating Flutter Source Files

16.180 Descargas

shift-api-core 0.4.1

Core gem for all shift commerce API gems

16.091 Descargas

ios_polyglot_cli 2.6.3

A CLI for pulling polyglot translations and generating iOS Source Files

12.996 Descargas

clinch-talent 0.2.4

A ruby client for the Clinch Talent API. Requests are HMAC signed. Responses are in JSO...

12.005 Descargas

core-client 0.2.4

Core API client for Ruby. Supports v1 and v2.

10.325 Descargas

icalia-foresight 0.0.4

Icalia Foresight SDK/Client library for Ruby

10.059 Descargas

flex_commerce_api 0.8.3

Allows any ruby application to access the flex-commerce API

9.052 Descargas

bima-shark-sdk 2.4.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

8.126 Descargas

rocketvalidator 0.3.1

Official Rocket Validator API client.

6.669 Descargas

xapix_client 1.1.0

Access hosted projects with the ActiveResource based json_api_client library.

5.566 Descargas

mobi_api 0.2.0

Ruby API for Mobikaze Merchant Checkin and Game Apps

3.994 Descargas

advocately 0.0.1

Advocately Ruby Client

2.813 Descargas

classic-api 1.0.0

Classic API Client to communicate with Classic Server

2.800 Descargas

json_api_client-legacy 1.0.0.beta

Customizations for json_api_client 1.0.0 to handle 0.x servers

2.082 Descargas

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2.030 Descargas

ros_sdk 0.1.0

Authenticate and connect to remote services via REST

1.857 Descargas

Total de descargas 7.849.601

Para esta versión 11.497



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
