RubyGems Navigation menu

json_spec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 json_spec

slather 2.8.5

Test coverage reports for Xcode projects

16,451,932 下載

avro_turf 1.18.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

10,760,559 下載

buff-config 2.0.0

A simple configuration class

7,362,776 下載

avro-builder 2.1.0

Ruby DSL to create Avro schemas

3,672,156 下載

devise-doorkeeper 1.2.0

Support authentication via OAuth2 tokens dispensed from the Doorkeeper authorization flow

966,511 下載

conjur-api 6.0.0

Conjur API

512,958 下載

conjur-cli 6.2.6

Conjur command line interface

491,029 下載

surveyor 1.4.0

A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application

224,220 下載

openpay 2.0.1

ruby client for Openpay API services (version 2.0.1)

132,422 下載

api_canon 0.4.7

api_canon is a declarative documentation generator for APIs. Dec...

68,813 下載

cucumber-blendle-steps 0.9.3

Cucumber steps used by all of Blendle Ruby projects

66,277 下載

openapi_contracts 0.15.2

Openapi schemas as API contracts

62,254 下載

mercury_amqp 0.10.0

Abstracts common patterns used with AMQP

61,566 下載

api_valve 1.2.0

Lightweight ruby/rack API reverse proxy or gateway

60,339 下載

invalid_model-serializer 0.4.0

Serialize models with validation errors to json-api errors.

58,277 下載

hyperion_http 0.6.0

Ruby REST client for internal service architecture

50,963 下載

fix_spec 1.0.2

Build and Inspect FIX Messages with RSpec and Cucumber steps

49,361 下載

inkling_api 0.1.3

Gem to interact with inkling markets API

45,817 下載

pacto 0.3.1

Pacto is a judge that arbitrates contract disputes between a service provider and one o...

42,866 下載

vcloud-walker 5.1.0

Vcloud-walker is a command line tool to describe different vCloud entities. ...

39,903 下載

xing-backend 0.0.25

Xing is a Rails + AngularJS + Hypermedia web development framework and platform. This ...

35,783 下載

conjur-asset-policy 0.13.0

Fully declarative YAML markup for Conjur policy.

30,637 下載

aria2_driver 0.1.0

Simple api to manage aria2c via api

29,827 下載

archivesspace-client 0.4.2

Interact with ArchivesSpace via the API.

29,783 下載

credly 0.0.9

ruby client for the Credly API

29,453 下載

swagger-dsl 2.0.5

Swagger (OpenAPI 3) DSL

28,843 下載

milo 0.0.7

Track in real time the price and availability of every product carried by every locatio...

25,909 下載

scenario_server 0.1.3

This gem is useful for development where a mock rest api server is required and with fr...

25,661 下載

conjur-asset-dsl2 0.6.1

A fully declarative DSL for Conjur with Ruby and YAML syntax.

23,915 下載

unsakini 0.0.5

Unsakini is an open source encrypted bulletin board created with the aim of evading ...

22,262 下載

總下載次數 18,752,124

這個版本 13,103,959




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
