Dependencias inversas para katello La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren katello
foreman_rh_cloud 11.3.0
Foreman plugin that process & upload data to Red Hat Cloud
158.871 Descargas
redhat_access 2.9.1
This plugin adds Red Hat Access knowledge base search, case management and diagnostics ...
92.261 Descargas
foreman_virt_who_configure 0.5.26
A plugin to make virt-who configuration easy
71.647 Descargas
foreman_scc_manager 4.0.0
Foreman plugin to sync SUSE Customer Center products and repositories into Katello.
68.720 Descargas
foreman_inventory_upload 2.0.3
Foreman plugin that process & upload data to cloud based host inventory
32.375 Descargas
foreman_kernel_care 2.0.0
This plugin removes kernel trace and update the kernel package version if KernelCare pa...
7.864 Descargas
foreman_gutterball 0.0.1
Gutterball plugin for Foreman and Katello
3.364 Descargas
foreman_patch 1.2.1
Foreman Plugin for Managing Patching.
3.320 Descargas