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latex_curriculum_vitae 2.1.2

latex_curriculum_vitae is a Rubygem which help you to write your job applications. The program aks you for all relevant data for compiling the curriculum vitae. It builds the motivational letter (if chosen in the gui), the cover and the cv. The resulting pdf will be found in your home directory. Also it generates an email with a standard content, which allows you to send the mail with your cv directly. The History.rdoc contains a detailed description on what has changed. For most users the NEWS file might be a better place to look since it contains change summaries between the different versions. latex_curriculum_vitae is released under the GPL3 License, see the file 'License.rdoc' for more information. The official web site is:




  1. 2.1.6 July 10, 2020 (10.8 MB)
  2. 2.1.5 June 25, 2020 (10.8 MB)
  3. 2.1.4 May 20, 2019 (10.8 MB)
  4. 2.1.3 November 24, 2018 (10.8 MB)
  5. 2.1.2 June 29, 2018 (9.43 MB)
Show all versions (19 total)

Runtime Dependencies (5):

combine_pdf ~> 1.0
notifier ~> 0.5
pony ~> 1.12
url_shortener ~> 0.0.9
xdg ~> 2.2

Development Dependencies (18):

bundler ~> 1.16
coveralls ~> 0.8
hoe ~> 3.17
hoe-bundler ~> 1.4
hoe-git ~> 1.6
hoe-manns ~> 2.1
hoe-reek ~> 1.2
hoe-rubocop ~> 1.0
hoe-rubygems ~> 1.0
hoe-travis ~> 1.3
hoe-version ~> 1.2
parseconfig ~> 1.0
rainbow ~> 3.0
rake ~> 12.3
rdoc ~> 6.0
reek ~> 4.7
rspec ~> 3.7
rubocop ~> 0.57



  • Sascha Manns

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 40,147

For this version 1,746

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.3.0
