RubyGems Navigation menu

launchy 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 launchy

signet 0.19.0

Signet is an OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation.

298,150,958 下载

capybara 3.40.0

Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...

230,538,712 下载

uuidtools 2.2.0

A simple universally unique ID generation library.

76,399,095 下载

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

73,997,904 下载

letter_opener 1.10.0

When mail is sent from your application, Letter Opener will open a preview in the brows...

72,567,633 下载

capybara-screenshot 1.0.26

When a Cucumber step fails, it is useful to create a screenshot image and HTML file of ...

72,514,047 下载

email_spec 2.2.2

Easily test email in RSpec, Cucumber, and MiniTest

50,891,212 下载

poltergeist 1.18.1

Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...

34,280,748 下载

autoparse 0.3.3

An implementation of the JSON Schema specification. Provides automatic parsing for any ...

13,859,454 下载

guard-rubocop 1.5.0

Guard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.

13,435,674 下载

rubycritic 4.9.1

RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...

11,109,162 下载

kt-paperclip 7.2.2

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

10,510,680 下载

capybara-webkit 1.15.1

Headless Webkit driver for Capybara

8,407,136 下载

travis 1.13.3

CLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI

5,706,087 下载

har 0.1.5

Ruby library to work with HTTP archives

5,475,686 下载

caboose-cms 1.0.2

CMS built on rails with love.

2,650,372 下载

arvados-cli 2.7.2

Arvados command line tools, git commit 3bd0d1f3d3274630991682aaa417987f836aaa64

2,234,404 下载

cf-uaac 4.23.0

Client command line tools for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Author...

2,064,523 下载

metric_fu 4.13.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

2,028,213 下载

raygun4ruby 4.0.0

Ruby Adapter for Raygun

2,000,073 下载

paperclip_database 3.1.0

To have all your data in one place: the database

1,781,543 下载

devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.8.7

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP

1,666,430 下载

browser-timezone-rails 1.1.0

The browser timezone is set on the Time#zone

1,648,858 下载

sextant 0.2.4

Sextant is a Rails engine that quickly shows the routes available

1,352,220 下载

pycall 1.5.1


1,209,251 下载

capybara-mechanize 1.13.0

RackTest driver for Capybara, but with remote request support thanks to mechanize

1,140,073 下载

resque-scheduler-web 1.1.0

Use this if you want to move to the new Resque Web plugin architecture for Resque Sched...

1,088,060 下载

apparition 0.6.0

Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...

836,553 下载

apiaryio 0.17.0 CLI

720,864 下载

rubigen 1.5.8

RubiGen - Ruby Generator Framework

710,472 下载

下载总量 197,027,625

这个版本 201,610



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.3.0
