Dépendances inversées pour less-rails-bootstrap Latest version of the following gems require less-rails-bootstrap
woople-theme 0.10.0
All Front-End all the Time
401 192 Téléchargements
less-rails-bootswatch 0.3.4
less-rails-bootswatch is straightforward Bootswatches integration with Rails, works wel...
62 912 Téléchargements
designmodo-flatuipro-rails integrates Flat UI Pro for Rails 3 and 4 Asset Pipelines
42 944 Téléchargements
designmodo-startup_framework-rails integrates Startup Framework for Rails 3 and 4 Asset...
27 683 Téléchargements
hicube 0.0.11
Simple CMS
25 400 Téléchargements
rollout_admin 0.0.6
Manage rollout features from web interface.
20 065 Téléchargements
infopark_dashboard 0.0.5
Infopark Dashboard
15 742 Téléchargements
stripe_wrapper 0.1.6
Wrapper around Stripe for rails.
13 153 Téléchargements
geri 0.1.4
Rails based CMS
12 067 Téléchargements
lte-rails 0.1.0
This gem provides all the assets for Admin LTE for use in a rails project
11 917 Téléchargements
big_query_log_viewer 0.0.7
A simple Rails engine and React app to search logs stored in Google BigQuery.
11 526 Téléchargements
protractor 0.0.1
Less.js CSS Framework That Picks Up Where Bootstrap Left Off.
4 451 Téléchargements
spree_swatches 1.2.0
Use Bootswatch themes for your spree site
4 035 Téléchargements
shopify_app_lrb3 5.0.0
Required Boostrap 3 so cloned and upgraded to Less Rails Bootstrap 3.1.1
3 459 Téléchargements