leveldb-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 leveldb-ruby
bitcoinrb-grpc 0.1.9
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
21,180 下載
cabalist 0.0.4
Cabalist is conceived as a simple way of adding some smarts (machine learning capabili...
17,688 下載
campchair 0.2.0
Campchair is simple persistence mixin using LevelDB and Marshal to persist Ruby objects.
15,025 下載
sqew 0.2.0
a lightweight background processor
10,172 下載
eq 0.1.0
Embedded Queueing. Background processing within a single process using multi-threading ...
7,786 下載
adapter-leveldb 0.1.0
Adapter for LevelDB
7,166 下載
rack-session-leveldb 0.0.1
Rack session store for LevelDB
4,225 下載
wp 0.1.2
Imports Wikipedia dumps to a local database and lets you browse them from the commandli...
3,894 下載
paxdb 0.0.0
Graph database on leveldb using paxos protocol ideas.
3,712 下載