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locomotivecms 4.0.0

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end technology, standard development process and no learning time for your client.




  1. 4.2.0.alpha2 March 31, 2024 (2.26 MB)
  2. 4.2.0.alpha1 March 22, 2024 (2.26 MB)
  3. 4.1.1 October 13, 2022 (1.77 MB)
  4. 4.1.0 October 04, 2022 (1.77 MB)
  5. 4.1.0.rc1 September 24, 2021 (1.76 MB)
  6. 4.0.0 November 20, 2019 (1.62 MB)
Show all versions (42 total)

Runtime Dependencies (42):

adomain ~> 0.1.1
bazaar ~> 0.0.2
bootstrap-sass ~> 3.4.1
codemirror-rails ~> 5.16.0
custom_fields ~> 2.10.0
devise ~> 4.7.1
dragonfly ~> 1.2.0
grape ~> 1.1.0
grape-entity = 0.7.1
highline ~> 1.7.10
image_optim = 0.26.3
jbuilder ~> 2.7
jquery-rails ~> 4.3.1
jquery-ui-rails ~> 6.0.1
json-schema ~> 2.8.0
kaminari-mongoid ~> 1.0.1
mongo = 2.8.0
mongoid ~> 6.4.0
mongoid-tree ~> 2.1.0
multi_json ~> 1.13.1
origin ~> 2.3.1
pundit ~> 1.1.0
rack-cache ~> 1.7.1
rails >= 5.2.3, < 6.0
rails-i18n ~> 5.1.1
responders ~> 2.4.0
simple_form ~> 5.0.0
slim ~> 3.0.9
yajl-ruby ~> 1.3.1


Pushed by:


  • Didier Lafforgue

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 89,748

For this version 1,894

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
