logutils 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 logutils
textutils 1.4.0
textutils - Text Filters, Helpers, Readers and More
533,083 下載
fetcher 0.4.5
fetcher - Fetch Text Documents or Binary Blobs via HTTP, HTTPS
172,320 下載
pluto-models 1.6.3
pluto-models - planet schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
165,207 下載
feedparser 2.2.1
feedparser - web feed parser and normalizer (RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, HTML h-entry, etc.)
154,649 下載
pakman 1.1.0
pakman - Template Pack Manager (incl. Embedded Ruby, Liquid, etc.)
154,049 下載
activerecord-utils 0.4.1
activerecord-utils - utilities (e.g. random, alias_attr, etc.) for activerecord
149,366 下載
logutils-activerecord 0.2.1
Another Logger - Addon for Database Support (LogDb, Log Model etc.)
144,028 下載
activityutils 0.1.2
activityutils - activity (timeline) utilities
136,283 下載
datafile 0.3.2
datafile - builder for downloading n reading datasets
34,234 下載
worlddb-models 2.4.1
worlddb - world.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
32,332 下載
eventdb 1.1.2
eventdb - event.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
30,577 下載
slideshow-models 4.1.0
slideshow-models - slide show (S9) models 'n' machinery for easy (re)use
30,076 下載
feedutils 0.5.1
feedutils - web feed parser and normalizer (RSS 2.0, Atom, etc.)
26,911 下載
tagutils 1.0.0
tagutils - tag utilities (tag, taggings, tag list, etc.)
25,872 下載
hybook 0.2.1
hybook - hypertext book generator
24,099 下載
webservice 0.7.0
webservice - yet another HTTP JSON API (web service) builder
23,588 下載
sportweb 0.3.3
sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool
23,204 下載
bookfile 0.2.1
bookfile - builder for books
20,141 下載
quik 1.0.0
qk/quik - ruby quick starter template script wizard .:. the missing code generator
18,163 下載
persondb 0.4.0
persondb - person schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
17,435 下載
wikiscript 0.4.0
wikiscript - scripts for wikipedia (get wikitext for page, parse tables 'n' links, etc.)
15,943 下載
schemadoc 1.1.0
schemadoc - document your database schemas (tables, columns, etc.)
15,200 下載
about 0.1.0
about - sys info (system information) about your computer, environment, runtime, libs, ...
13,252 下載
drjekyll 1.0.1
drjekyll - the missing static site theme package manager
13,033 下載
preproc 0.1.0
preproc - simple preprocessor (lets you include files in files in files etc.)
9,088 下載
linkto 0.1.1
linkto - link_to helpers for google search, bing search, flickr photo search, flickr ph...
8,721 下載
catalogdb 0.1.1
catalogdb - catalog.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
8,571 下載
mrhyde-tools 0.1.1
mrhyde - jekyll command line tool .:. static site quick starter script wizard
8,388 下載
sportdb-langs 0.1.1
sportdb-langs - sport.db language utilities
6,763 下載
factbook-codes 0.1.2
factbook-codes - world factbook country codes (by region, by category, etc.)
6,274 下載