loquacious 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 loquacious
bones 3.9.0
Mr Bones is a handy tool that creates new Ruby projects from a code skeleton. The skele...
349,704 下載
webby 0.9.4
*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...
95,681 下載
webby 0.9.4
*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...
95,681 下載
tyrantmanager 1.7.7
A command line tool for managing Tokyo Tyrant instances. It allows for the creation, s...
65,226 下載
*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a *content ...
15,488 下載
jackowayed-tyrantmanager 1.1.0
A command line tool for managing Tokyo Tyrant instances. It allows for the creation, s...
3,899 下載