RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para main La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren main

churn 1.0.8

High method and class churn has been shown to have increased bug and error rates. This ...

2.290.252 Descargas

braid 1.1.9

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

986.704 Descargas

sekrets 1.14.0

sekrets is a command line tool and library used to securely manage encrypted files and ...

548.707 Descargas

ruboto 1.6.1

Ruboto (JRuby on Android) is a platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Androi...

125.205 Descargas

tournament 5.0.0

Small library, command line program and Rails web GUI for managing a NCAA basketball to...

115.587 Descargas

realityforge-braid 0.9.9

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

105.510 Descargas

piston 2.0.10

Piston makes it easy to merge vendor branches into your own repository, without worryin...

86.445 Descargas

tyrantmanager 1.7.7

A command line tool for managing Tokyo Tyrant instances. It allows for the creation, s...

63.348 Descargas

mongo3 0.1.5

Console to administer MongoDB

59.221 Descargas

ro 1.4.6

description: ro kicks the ass

49.208 Descargas

tdd 2.1.1

Fire up that tdd loop

45.859 Descargas

bj 1.0.1


45.704 Descargas

wackamole 0.1.4

This is a companion sinatra app for the Rackamole framework which provides for recordin...

43.146 Descargas

lis 0.5.0

LIS interface to Siemens Immulite 2000XPi or other similar analyzers

42.713 Descargas

firetower 0.1.1

A command-line interface to Campfire chats

41.978 Descargas

rego 3.2.1

description: rego kicks the ass

37.054 Descargas

vpnmaker 1.0.11

haml templates and key tracking

35.970 Descargas

fnando-kitabu 0.3.10

A framework for creating e-books from Markdown/Textile text markup using Ruby. Using t...

33.922 Descargas

sdbtools 0.5.0

SDBTools layers a higher-level OO interface on top of RightAWS, as well as providing so...

29.929 Descargas

ipod_db 0.2.13

Access iPod Shuffle 2nd gen from ruby

28.882 Descargas

varnisher 1.1.0

Some tools that make working with the Varnish HTTP cache easier, including things like ...

27.628 Descargas

stylr 0.0.16

An attempt at enforcing

27.437 Descargas

evilchelu-braid 0.5

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

26.609 Descargas

dollhouse 0.2.2

Dollhouse is a way to deploy servers. It is designed to be used with Babushka.

26.200 Descargas

rabal 0.3.3

Rabal is the Ruby Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries. Taking ideas fr...

25.642 Descargas

novawhiz 0.0.7

library and command line tool for simplifying openstack nova operations

24.578 Descargas

view_server 0.0.9

Allow local viewing of remote files

23.631 Descargas

iconoclast 0.1.4

Rails icon library and helpers

23.569 Descargas

fbomb 4.2.0

description: fbomb kicks the ass

23.369 Descargas

dreamcat4-braid 0.534

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

21.944 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.924.534

Para esta versión 109.889



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
