Dépendances inversées pour materialize-sass Latest version of the following gems require materialize-sass
web47core 3.2.20
Core components used in all our web products.
150 890 Téléchargements
wordjelly-auth 1.6.0
Simple authentication solution for any rails app.
98 770 Téléchargements
ucpengine 0.1.2
Description of Ucpengine.
22 250 Téléchargements
The front-end bundle and style guide for Colorgy.
10 121 Téléchargements
gorg_engine 1.2.4
Rails Engine for Gorg apps
8 041 Téléchargements
materialize-select2-rails 0.1.3
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote d...
6 401 Téléchargements
material_admin 0.0.2
Description of MaterialAdmin.
5 932 Téléchargements
farma_keyboard_rails 0.1.2
This gem is intended to create a js keyboard to make a MathJax interface for sending an...
4 363 Téléchargements
materialize-association-autocomplete 0.1.0
Provides associations autocomplete using rails-materialize
2 455 Téléchargements