Dependencias inversas para memoist La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren memoist
middleman-core 4.6.0
A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Slim, Cof...
5.039.836 Descargas
ruby-geometry 0.0.6
Implementation of basic 2D geometry algorithms in Ruby
1.279.917 Descargas
aws_data 0.1.1
AWS info like region and account id
1.164.221 Descargas
terraspace 2.2.17
Terraspace: The Terraspace Framework
921.015 Descargas
dsl_evaluator 0.3.2
DSL evaluation library. It produces a human-friendly backtrace error
795.018 Descargas
rspec-terraspace 0.3.3
Terraspace RSpec support
755.366 Descargas
jets 6.0.5
Jets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ...
728.895 Descargas
terraspace_plugin_aws 0.6.1
Terraspace AWS Plugin
685.707 Descargas
s3-secure 0.7.0
S3 Bucket security hardening tool
669.599 Descargas
terraspace-bundler 0.5.0
Bundles terraform modules
626.801 Descargas
azure-armrest 0.15.0
This is a Ruby interface for Azure using the newer REST API. This is different than the...
531.065 Descargas
granite 0.17.5
Another business actions architecture for Rails apps
491.809 Descargas
aws-mfa-secure 0.4.5
Adds MFA Support to AWS CLI and Ruby SDKs for normal IAM user
458.971 Descargas
narou 3.9.1
422.672 Descargas
scrivito_sdk 1.18.0
Scrivito is a SaaS Content Management Service, built for digital agencies and medium to...
375.911 Descargas
ufo 6.3.13
AWS ECS Deploy Tool
347.261 Descargas
lono 7.5.2
The CloudFormation Framework
319.201 Descargas
cfn_camelizer 0.6.1
Cfn Camelizer
313.774 Descargas
serverlessgems 0.4.1
Client Library works with Serverless Gems API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
227.006 Descargas
terraspace_plugin_azurerm 0.7.1
Terraspace Azurerm Cloud Plugin
226.986 Descargas
derelict 0.6.2
Provides a Ruby API to control Vagrant where Vagrant is installed via the Installer pac...
210.281 Descargas
dynomite 2.0.3
ActiveRecord-ish DynamoDB ORM
191.504 Descargas
terraspace_plugin_google 0.5.0
Terraspace Google Cloud Plugin
169.233 Descargas
gcp_data 0.2.1
Simple module to get current gcp data project and region
155.740 Descargas
armrest 0.2.2
Ruby Azure REST API Library
133.612 Descargas
peatio-litecoin 3.1.0
Litecoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...
99.167 Descargas
my_zipcode_gem 0.3.0
A Ruby gem for looking up and manipulating US postal codes and geocodes.
96.084 Descargas
i18n-one_sky 2.0.12
A set of I18n extensions that use OneSky. At its most basic, this allows you to easily ...
92.744 Descargas
peatio-dash 3.1.0
Peatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
91.215 Descargas
peatio-bitgo 3.1.0
Bitgo Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abstract.
90.082 Descargas