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Dependencias inversas para metriks La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren metriks

logstash-filter-metrics 4.0.7

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

6.323.177 Descargas

qless 0.12.0

`qless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with statist...

218.061 Descargas

fluent-plugin-deis-graphite 0.2.2

A Fluentd plugin that gathers response code metrics from the deis router and reports th...

108.482 Descargas

madvertise-ext 0.9.7

Ruby core extensions and helper libraries

100.474 Descargas

dyndnsd 3.10.0

A small, lightweight and extensible DynDNS server written with Ruby and Rack.

99.972 Descargas

ganymed 0.5.2

Ganymed is a daemon that collects Metriks from third-party applications

67.490 Descargas

metriks-addons 3.2.0

OpenTSDB, SignalFX and DatadogApi reporter for Metriks.

65.701 Descargas

symphony 0.14.2

Symphony is a subscription-based asynchronous job system. It allows you to define jobs ...

56.313 Descargas

metriks-librato_metrics 1.0.6

Librato Metrics reporter for Metriks.

50.507 Descargas

metriks-middleware 2.1.1

Rack middleware to track throughput and response time with metriks.

46.483 Descargas

advisor 0.6.0

AOP with anonymous modules

43.660 Descargas

metriks-dogstatsd 0.3.0

A DogStatsD compatible reporter for the metriks metric reporting gem

39.676 Descargas

openvpn-status-web 3.4.0

Small Rack (Ruby) application serving OpenVPN status file.

23.283 Descargas

metriks-opentsdb 1.2.0

OpenTSDB reporter for Metriks.

18.508 Descargas

metriksd_reporter 0.5.1

Reporter component for the metriks metrics library to report to a metriks server

15.021 Descargas

metriks-instrumental 0.0.3

A Metriks reporter that submits to Instrumental (

10.763 Descargas

metriks-reporter-new_relic 0.0.1

Allows metric data collected by with the Metriks gem to be reported to your New Relic a...

3.956 Descargas

metriks-sematext 0.0.1

Metriks reporter for sending Custom Metrics to SPM for graphing

3.860 Descargas

reqless 0.0.5

`reqless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with stati...

1.001 Descargas

Total de descargas 6.982.257

Para esta versión 6.359.579

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
