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minitest-around 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 minitest-around

simple_form_nested_fields 0.3.0

Dynamically create and remove nested fields with simple_form

8,889 下載

electric_monk 0.4.0

Manage your git-based projects with a CLI: It assumes that you have a directory with yo...

7,962 下載

sidekiq_monitoring_bitcrowd 0.2.1

This gem has been renamed to 'rails-monitoring'.

7,087 下載

ketsuban 0.3.0

Skip unlucky numbers for ActiveRecord surrogate key

6,842 下載

kashmir 0.1.1

Kashmir helps you easily define decorators/representers/presenters for ruby objects. ...

6,828 下載

data_task 0.0.3

DataTask provides dependency-based programming for data workflows on top of the Rake bu...

6,555 下載

zero_push_woosh 1.0.0

ZeroPushWoosh is a simple service for sending iOS push notifications. (http://zeropush....

3,903 下載

azure-tts 1.0.0

Text-to-speech gem based using Azure Cognitive Speech Services.

3,688 下載

ultimate-minitest-rails 0.2.0

The best out-of-the box experience with Minitest for Rails applications.

3,272 下載

underworld 1.0.0

Underworld is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web ap...

2,657 下載

pre-commit-cucumber_focus 1.0.0

Finds cucumber scenarios with with specific tags (e.g. @focus)

2,514 下載

i18n-postgres_json 0.1.0

Store I18n values in PostgreSQL JSON columns

2,477 下載

arcopy 0.0.1

Dump and load relational objects between Ruby environments.

2,150 下載

activerecord-polytypes 0.1.3

This gem provides an extension to ActiveRecord, enabling efficient Multi-Table, Multipl...

1,366 下載

gaggle 0.2.5

A gem that encapsulates the facilitation and use of multiple instances of the Goose ins...

891 下載

ta_default_value_for 3.4.0

The default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...

372 下載

總下載次數 2,017,747

這個版本 1,365,940




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
