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Dépendances inversées pour minitest-ci Latest version of the following gems require minitest-ci

tiny_tds 2.1.7

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

10 936 592 Téléchargements

tiny_tds 2.1.7

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

10 936 592 Téléchargements

tiny_tds 2.1.7

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

10 936 592 Téléchargements

tiny_tds 2.1.7

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

10 936 592 Téléchargements

twine 1.1.3

Twine is a command line tool for managing your strings and their translations. It is...

585 335 Téléchargements

brakeman-min 6.1.2

Brakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal...

322 011 Téléchargements

openstudio-standards 0.6.1

The openstudio-standards library provides methods for programatically generating, modif...

204 170 Téléchargements

brakeman-lib 6.1.2

Brakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal...

105 467 Téléchargements

oneapm_rpm 1.4.2

OneApm Ruby Agent. (

96 315 Téléchargements

trailer_vote-media_types 3.0.4

Holds the defined media types for the TrailerVote ecosystem

78 356 Téléchargements

trailer_vote-fixtures 1.17.5

Fixtures for TrailerVote media types, api calls, and so forth

50 679 Téléchargements

cogbot 0.1.14

Irc bot based on Cinch

40 550 Téléchargements

trailer_vote-api 3.1.0

Provides a client to interact with the TrailerVote API

39 822 Téléchargements

tingyun_rpm 3.2.0

TingYun Ruby Agent

38 640 Téléchargements

resizing 0.8.2

Client and utilities for Resizing

30 945 Téléchargements

pgdice 2.0.0

Postgres table partitioning with a Ruby API built on top of

24 146 Téléchargements

ruby-kubernetes-controller 0.3.0

The Ruby Kubernetes Controller allows users to interact with the core Kubernetes APIs n...

18 562 Téléchargements

r4r 0.1.3

Write a longer description or delete this line.

13 471 Téléchargements

activejob-trackable 0.1.3

Get more control into your jobs with the ability to track (debounce, throttle) jobs

9 315 Téléchargements

sequel-active_record 1.1.0

Provides ActiveRecord compatibility for Sequel

8 964 Téléchargements

alpr 0.1.2

Ruby wrapper for openalpr

7 914 Téléchargements

fake_data 1.0.1

Universal random data generator. Supports String, Array, Hash, repeat and maybe on part...

5 785 Téléchargements

jwtf 0.2.0

JWTF allows you to configure how your JSON Web Token are generated. With JWT you are fr...

5 742 Téléchargements

vcs4sql 0.1.1

In the last few years, version control for database became best practice. There are sev...

5 433 Téléchargements

fixings 0.1.2

Easy rails setup with infrastructure and a bunch of handy correctness pieces

5 430 Téléchargements

rails-react-ssr 0.1.2

Light weight React SSR (Server Side Rendering) integration for Ruby on Rails, Webpacker...

4 637 Téléchargements

wordwiki 0.2.3

Commandline based dictionary and wiki.

4 129 Téléchargements

elasticsearch-model-transactional_callbacks 0.1.0

Reduce load from your application server by offloading indexing into background jobs

4 123 Téléchargements

backup_monitor 0.0.1

Checks the modification age of a directory hierarchy to locate stale backups.

3 838 Téléchargements

nucleus-core 0.2.1

A Ruby business logic framework

2 787 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 4 570 834

Pour cette version 3 668 646



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.3.6
