Dependencias inversas para minitest-hooks La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren minitest-hooks
mime-types 3.6.2
The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME conte...
773.751.568 Descargas
image_processing 1.14.0
High-level wrapper for processing images for the web with ImageMagick or libvips.
69.570.214 Descargas
sequel 5.90.0
The Database Toolkit for Ruby
58.058.493 Descargas
acts_as_list 1.2.4
This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number ...
52.907.960 Descargas
roda 3.90.0
Routing tree web toolkit
12.348.684 Descargas
licensed 5.0.3
Licensed automates extracting and validating the licenses of dependencies.
4.928.071 Descargas
message_bus 4.4.1
A message bus for rack
2.085.956 Descargas
mysql-binuuid-rails 1.3.0
Let ActiveRecord serialize and cast your UUIDs to and from binary columns in your datab...
1.711.059 Descargas
ibm_watson 2.2.0
Official client library to use the IBM Watson Services
570.318 Descargas
ibm_cloud_sdk_core 1.3.0
Official IBM Cloud SDK core library
568.121 Descargas
rodauth 2.38.0
Rodauth is Ruby's most advanced authentication framework, designed to work in all rack ...
526.793 Descargas
sequel_polymorphic 0.5.0
A gem that provides Sequel::Models with polymorphic association capabilities
455.113 Descargas
rack-unreloader 2.1.0
Rack::Unreloader is a rack middleware that reloads application files when it detects ch...
441.694 Descargas
faktory_worker_ruby 2.0.0
Ruby worker for Faktory.
351.399 Descargas
minitest-parallel_fork 2.0.0
minitest-parallel_fork adds fork-based parallelization to Minitest. Each test/spec sui...
257.427 Descargas
rodauth-model 0.4.0
Provides model mixin for Active Record and Sequel that defines password attribute and a...
214.561 Descargas
model_schema 0.1.3
Annotate a Sequel Model with its expected schema and immediately identify inconsistencies.
144.892 Descargas
ibm_vpc 0.8.0
IBM Cloud VPC Ruby SDK
110.334 Descargas
sequel-advisory-locking 0.2.0
Easy use of Postgres' advisory locks in Sequel
107.533 Descargas
iknow_view_models 3.13.0
ViewModels provide a means of encapsulating a collection of related data and specifying...
101.369 Descargas
rodauth-omniauth 0.6.0
Rodauth extension for logging in and creating account via OmniAuth authentication.
98.813 Descargas
uffizzi_core 2.4.10
79.858 Descargas
autoforme 1.13.0
AutoForme is an web administrative console for Sequel::Model that supports Roda, Sinatr...
74.039 Descargas
patreon 0.5.0
Interact with the Patreon API via OAuth
64.280 Descargas
lazylead 0.13.0
Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and e...
61.107 Descargas
roro 0.3.33
Roro is a containerization and continuous integration framework for Ruby on Rails appli...
52.949 Descargas
fylla 0.5.2
Fylla generates zsh and bash autocomplete scripts for Thor CLI applications.
48.443 Descargas
resque_unit_without_mock 0.1.2
resque_unit(without mock)
41.524 Descargas
rodauth-i18n 0.8.0
Provides I18n integration and translations for Rodauth authentication framework.
39.825 Descargas
sinja 1.3.0
Sinja is a Sinatra extension for quickly building RESTful, {json:api}-compliant web ser...
39.542 Descargas