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mqtt 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mqtt

fluent-plugin-mqtt-io 0.5.0

fluentd input/output plugin for mqtt broker

84,578 下載

nutella_lib 0.6.0

Implements the nutella protocol and exposes it natively

78,262 下載

smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh 0.11.5

Ssh remote execution provider for Foreman Smart-Proxy

77,900 下載

fluent-plugin-mqtt 0.0.9

fluentd input plugin for mqtt server

44,638 下載

lora-rb 0.16.0

This gem let you to connect to a Lora Network and manage your registered devices.

39,761 下載

libmagellan 0.2.7

ruby client for magellanic cloud

31,592 下載

adafruit-io 2.0.0

API Client Library for the Adafruit IO product

30,673 下載


Asynchronous handling of callbacks that can be attached to individual topics, based on ...

30,008 下載

mosca 0.1.2

A simple client for mqtt communication

27,755 下載

openc3 6.2.1

OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data f...

26,968 下載

em-mqtt 0.0.5

This gem adds MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol support to EventMachine.

25,547 下載

logstash-output-mqtt 1.2.1

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

24,581 下載

meshtastic 0.0.120

24,255 下載

tilt_hydrometer 0.2.1

Read Tilt Hydrometer beacons and post to Brewfather

22,377 下載


Manages MQTT Connections with DJI Drones

20,442 下載

m2x-mqtt 0.3.0

AT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte...

16,324 下載

mqtt_pipe 0.0.5

This gem wraps the MQTT gem by njh (on Github) and adds a serializer for simple data st...

11,961 下載

sps_mqtt_bridge 0.3.2

Subscribes and re-publishes messages automatically from MQTT to SPS or to HTTP.

11,291 下載

losant_mqtt 1.1.1

Easily use the Losant IoT Platform through its MQTT Broker with Ruby

9,735 下載

beebotte 0.1.4

A pure ruby implementation of the BBT connector for beebotte's REST api

9,302 下載

ulms_client 0.2.2

DSL for writing ULMS interaction scenarios

8,926 下載

hodmin 0.1.5

Hodmin enables you to administrate your Homie-devices (IOT, esp8266-based microcomputer...

8,219 下載

message_channel 1.1.1

Yet another observer pattern wrapper library via Observable, DRb, MQTT, Redis.

7,053 下載

camtool 0.1.2

Allow to test, publish and manipulate camflow log files.

6,498 下載

mqtt_rpc 0.3.0


6,113 下載

logstash-input-mqtt 0.0.2

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

4,792 下載

mqtt-homie 0.1.1

A ruby interface for creating a device conforming to the MQTT Homie convention.

4,774 下載

cocoro-mqtt 0.2.1

This is a bridge exposing your Cocoro Air compatible devices on MQTT. Not affiliated wi...

3,806 下載

em-mqtt-sn 0.0.2

This gem adds MQTT-SN protocol and gateway support to EventMachine.

3,468 下載

json_rpc_over_mqtt_example 0.0.1

JSONRPC Over MQTT Example.

3,391 下載

總下載次數 4,328,931

這個版本 959,702




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
