msgpack-rpc 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 msgpack-rpc
jubatus 1.1.0
Jubatus is a distributed processing framework and streaming machine learning library. T...
53,978 下載
wurfl_device 0.2.4
Ruby client library for mobile handset detection
53,121 下載
melissadata 0.1.5
Ruby wrappers around MelissaData objects
27,400 下載
msgpack_rpc_server 0.1.7
MessagePack-RPC server template in Ruby.
24,923 下載
pmux 0.1.3
lightweight file-based MapReduce system
12,611 下載
actory 0.0.3
Actor model like, concurrent and distributed framework for Ruby.
9,126 下載
actory 0.0.3
Actor model like, concurrent and distributed framework for Ruby.
9,126 下載
fluent-plugin-msgpack-rpc 0.3.0
Input plugin for Fluent using MessagePack-RPC
8,556 下載
virtual_module 0.3.1
Born to make your Ruby Code 3x faster. Hopefully.
8,537 下載
stampery 0.1.3
Stampery API wrapper for Ruby. Notarize all your data using the blockchain!.
8,345 下載
grotesque 0.0.2
Use ZooKeeper like Redis. A grotesque.
7,474 下載
mist-client 0.2.2
A simple LXC based container scheduler
6,249 下載
mist-server 0.2.2
A simple LXC based container scheduler
5,378 下載
antismoker-msgpack-rpc 0.0.1
An antismoker plugin for smoke testing msgpack-rpc services.
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gflocator 0.0.1
a daemon for providing responses to queries against file locations of GlusterFS
4,422 下載
ls4 0.9.0
LS4 - large-scale simple storage system
4,398 下載