much-plugin 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 much-plugin
deas 0.43.5
Handler-based web framework powered by Sinatra
184,904 下载
sanford 0.19.1
Sanford TCP protocol server for hosting services
77,455 下载
mr 0.35.2
Model-record pattern
61,693 下载
deas-erubis 0.5.7
Deas template engine for rendering erb templates using Erubis
32,454 下载
qs 0.8.1
Define message queues. Process jobs and events. Profit.
31,168 下载
logsly 1.3.3
Create custom loggers.
30,705 下载
dumpdb 2.1.0
Dump and restore your databases.
30,286 下载
deas-json 0.3.5
JSON helpers for Deas apps
20,319 下载
mailthis 0.3.0
mailer for ruby
8,996 下载
dk 0.1.1
"Why'd you name this repo dk?" "Don't know" (this is some automated task runner thingy ...
8,142 下载
dk-dumpdb 0.1.0
Build Dk tasks to dump and restore your databases
5,748 下载
dk-abdeploy 0.1.0
Dk tasks that implement the A/B deploy scheme
5,536 下载
dk-pkg 0.1.0
Dk logic for installing pkgs
4,939 下载