nap 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 nap
cocoapods 1.16.2
CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...
106,371,328 下載
cocoapods-core 1.16.2
The CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods. It is i...
102,842,877 下載
claide-plugins 0.9.2
This CLAide plugin shows information about all available CLAide plugins ...
84,564,786 下載
cocoapods-trunk 1.6.0
Interact with
75,760,642 下載
cocoapods-plugins 1.0.0
This CocoaPods plugin shows information about all available CocoaPods plugins ...
67,092,531 下載
broach 0.3.0
Ruby implementation of 37signal's Campfire API.
124,747 下載
engineyard-metadata 0.2.5
Pulls metadata from EC2 and EngineYard so that your EngineYard AppCloud (Amazon EC2) in...
73,373 下載
ideal 0.9.0
iDEAL payment gateway (see and
24,896 下載
oja 0.2.1
Oja is a Ruby client for verification of Apple Store Receipts.
16,947 下載
ideal-payment 1.0.2
iDEALv3 payment gateway (see
10,717 下載
supreme 0.2.1
Ruby implementation of the Mollie iDEAL API
10,434 下載
tfe-broach 0.1.5
Ruby implementation of 37signal's Campfire API.
4,553 下載
xcocoapods 1.5.3
CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...
2,715 下載