narray 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 narray
gives objects the ability to 'histogram' in several useful ways
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kmeans-clusterer 0.11.4
k-means clustering. Uses NArray for fast calculations.
429,038 下載
BOAST 2.1.0
BOAST aims at providing a framework to metaprogram, benchmark and validate computing ke...
190,141 下載
opencl_ruby_ffi 1.3.13
Ruby OpenCL FFI bindings. OpenCL 3.0 ready
146,150 下載
mork 0.15.0
Optical mark recognition of multiple-choice tests and surveys. Low-level ruby library t...
102,098 下載
narray_miss 1.4.0
NArrayMiss is an additional class with processing of missing value to NArray which is a...
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fftw3 0.3
Gem version of T. Horinouchi's ruby-fftw3.
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seqtrimnext 2.0.68
Seqtrimnext is a plugin based system to preprocess and clean sequences from multiple NG...
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ruby-netcdf 0.8.0
RubyNetCDF is the Ruby interface to the NetCDF library built on the NArray library, whi...
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ffi-gdal 1.1.0
FFI wrapper for GDAL/OGR.
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narray_ffi 1.4.4
Ruby narray_ffi interface
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coreaudio 0.0.12
Mac OS X CoreAudio wrapper library
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gphys 1.5.6
Comprehensive library for self-descriptive gridded physical data (in NetCDF, GrADS, or ...
40,014 下載
ruby-lapack 1.8.1
Ruby-LAPACK is a Ruby wrapper of Lapack, which is a linear algebra package (http://www....
38,344 下載
seapig-server 0.2.3
Seapig is a master-slave object sharing system.
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convolver-light 0.3.3
Simplification of convolver gem, FFTW removed, suitable only for smaller kernels. Convo...
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ruby-dcl 1.8.2
RubyDCL is a ruby interface to the scientific graphic library DCL. It supports all the ...
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The MIRIAD-Ruby package... 1. Makes MIRIAD datasets accessible from Ruby by wrappi...
33,798 下載
'ulla' is a program for calculating environment-specific substitution tables from user ...
31,317 下載
object_table 0.4.1
Simple data table table implementation in ruby
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hdf5 0.3.5
A ruby wrapper to the HDF5 data library. Currently can only read HDF5 files.
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rmatrix 0.1.20
RMatrix is a lightning fast library for Ruby. It provides numerous enhancements over th...
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convolver 0.3.2
Convolution for NArray
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katcp 0.1.10
Provides KATCP client library for Ruby. KATCP is the Karoo Array Telescope Control...
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egor 0.9.0
'egor' is a program for calculating environment-specific substitution tables from user ...
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cofi_cost 0.0.9
Playground for collaborative filtering in Ruby using NArray and rb-gsl.
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seapig-client 0.1.4
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hornetseye-narray 1.0.2
This Ruby extension implements conversions from Hornetseye::MultiArray to NArray and vi...
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scbi_cominer 0.0.8
scbi_cominer is a ruby gem to calculate some interesting regions and statistics from co...
22,864 下載
ruby-fftw3 1.0.2
The Ruby interface of the FFTW3, Fast Fourier Transform library FFTW Ver.3. Since ver.1...
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