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Dependencias inversas para newrelic_rpm La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren newrelic_rpm

newrelic-infinite_tracing 9.17.0

The New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed tra...

2.089.112 Descargas

newrelic-redis 2.0.2

Redis instrumentation for Newrelic.

2.050.481 Descargas

newrelic_moped 1.0.1

New Relic instrumentation for Moped (1.x, 2.0) / Mongoid (3.x, 4.0)

1.095.615 Descargas

rpm_contrib 2.2.0

Deprecated community contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on New Re...

1.008.680 Descargas

newrelic-grape 2.1.0

newrelic instrument for grape

843.124 Descargas

capistrano-newrelic 0.10.1

New Relic integration for Capistrano 3

636.041 Descargas

newrelic-rake 1.4.1

newrelic instrument for rake task

546.692 Descargas

newrelic-sidekiq-metrics 1.6.2

Implements recording Sidekiq stats to New Relic metrics.

474.870 Descargas

gruf-newrelic 1.4.0

Plugin for New Relic for gruf

425.100 Descargas

opener-daemons 2.7.4

Toolkit for turning OpeNER components into daemons

326.421 Descargas

puma-newrelic 0.1.6

Samples the puma stats and creates a custom metric for NewRelic

322.407 Descargas

tire-contrib 0.1.3

Contributions and additions for the Tire gem

303.553 Descargas

rest-ftp-daemon 1.1.1

A pretty simple transfer daemon, controlled with a RESTful API

281.859 Descargas

hermes-rb 0.10.1

A messenger of gods, delivering them via RabbitMQ with a little help from Hutch

261.910 Descargas

opener-webservice 2.2.1

Basic webservice hooks for the OpeNER toolchain

230.004 Descargas

newrelic-middleware 1.1.0

Track time spent your middleware stack with New Relic

226.998 Descargas

newrelic-faraday 0.7.2

Faraday instrumentation for Newrelic.

206.113 Descargas

kstrano 1.3.0

Deploying symfony2 applications for the kDeploy server setup.

204.578 Descargas

grpc_newrelic_interceptor 0.0.6

An interceptor for using New Relic with gRPC.

186.952 Descargas

rumination 0.17.6

development utilities

179.676 Descargas

newrelic-typhoeus 0.0.3

Newrelic instrumentation for Typhoeus

178.416 Descargas

newrelic-elasticsearch 0.3.1

Not for monitoring Elasticsearch, but for instrumenting it as ...

114.502 Descargas

yabeda-newrelic 0.2.0

Adapter for reporting custom metrics from Yabeda to the NewRelic Insights.

113.075 Descargas

station 0.5.16

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.

110.500 Descargas

cf_light_api 3.1.2

A super lightweight API for reading App and Org data from CloudFoundry, cached in Redis.

109.038 Descargas

newrelic-dragonfly 0.0.4

newrelic instrument for dragonfly

106.372 Descargas

prun-ops 0.3.6

Encapsulates Operations commands for Rails Applications: Deploy, Diagnose, Monitoring, ...

104.363 Descargas

opener-language-identifier 4.4.3

Language identifier for human readable text.

97.562 Descargas

pushyd 0.29.0

A nice proxy listenning to a RabbitMQ bus, repeating selected messages in POST requests...

85.978 Descargas

newrelic-sequel 0.0.6

Sequel instrumentation for Newrelic.

85.975 Descargas

Total de descargas 158.285.253

Para esta versión 498.511

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0

Versión de Rubygems requerida: > 1.3.1
