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noe 1.2.0

Noe is a tool that generates project skeletons from predefined templates. A template is designed for a specific product (a ruby library, a static or dynamic web site, ...). Noe instantiates templates and helps you maintaining your product via meta-information provided by a .noespec yaml file. In contrast to other tools, Noe is not specific to certain kinds of products. Writing your own template is possible and even simple!




  1. 1.7.6 June 16, 2012 (41 ko)
  2. 1.7.5 June 16, 2012 (41 ko)
  3. 1.7.4 April 26, 2012 (40,5 ko)
  4. 1.7.3 February 25, 2012 (40,5 ko)
  5. 1.7.2 February 25, 2012 (40,5 ko)
  6. 1.2.0 January 17, 2011 (42,5 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (15)

Dépendances de Runtime (3):

highline ~> 1.6.0
quickl ~> 0.2.0
wlang ~> 0.10.1

Dépendances de Development (6):

bluecloth ~> 2.0.9
bundler ~> 1.0
rake ~> 0.8.7
rspec ~> 2.4.0
wlang ~> 0.10.1
yard ~> 0.6.4



  • Bernard Lambeau

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 49 630

Pour cette version 3 396

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None
