Dépendances inversées pour nyan-cat-formatter Latest version of the following gems require nyan-cat-formatter
keystore 0.3.0
While building applications and continuous delivery pipelines, secret management is usu...
6 153 803 Téléchargements
rspec-legacy_formatters 1.0.2
Support for RSpec 2.x formatters on 3.x
2 019 526 Téléchargements
crossing 0.2.1
The native AWS command line does not have an easy way to upload encrypted files to S3...
289 355 Téléchargements
architecture-js 0.6.3
Architecture.js helps you generate scaffolding, manage third-party packages, compile, a...
200 932 Téléchargements
modjs-architecture 0.7.1
Mod.js is a modular javascript library that provides a base application strucure to bui...
83 021 Téléchargements
termit 3.9.0
Termit is an easy way to translate stuff and use speech synthesis in your terminal.
78 413 Téléchargements
rest_shifter 0.0.28
RestShifter is a simple rest service that can shift into any kind of service, allowing ...
53 344 Téléchargements
cello 0.0.35
Cello is a framework that allows automate acceptance tests using page-object
48 741 Téléchargements
ampere 1.2.3
An ActiveRecord/Mongoid-esque object model for the Redis key/value data store.
45 440 Téléchargements
whos_dated_who 1.0.4
Unofficial API for whosdatedwho.com
42 375 Téléchargements
hrk 1.0.8
Hrk gives you the hrk command that proxies commands to heroku, keeping track of the lat...
42 091 Téléchargements
doorkeeper_sso_client 0.4.10
Provides SSO auth functionality based on Omniauth
39 137 Téléchargements
doorkeeper_sso 0.4.9
Leveraging Doorkeeper as single-sign-on OAuth server. To provide true single-sign-OUT, ...
36 650 Téléchargements
backaid 0.2.0
Use Backbone with Rails: Basic directory structure and dependencies installed.
34 872 Téléchargements
acts_as_inheritable 0.9.0
This gem will let you inherit any attribute or relation from the parent model.
30 521 Téléchargements
quinoa 0.0.13
Quinoa is a light and nutritive framework that allows automate service level tests usin...
26 824 Téléchargements
rocha 0.3.2
RSpec reporter for mocha
24 002 Téléchargements
poro_validator 0.2.4
Validations for ruby objects or POROs.
19 375 Téléchargements
pinboard_rb 0.0.5
A thin wrapper around Pinboard API V1
18 843 Téléchargements
minitest-nyan-cat 0.0.1
Prints a Nyan Cat trail for your test output
16 681 Téléchargements
sermepa_web_tpv 0.1.3
Simple rails engine to add payments to your web application using sermepa standard web tpv
15 704 Téléchargements
historic_bank_rates 0.2.3
Wraps a simple scraper to retrieve the historic exchange rates of s...
12 971 Téléchargements
device-tracker 0.2.3
Keep track of your devices. Features: - User registration/login/validation ...
12 321 Téléchargements
themes 0.1
Add simple themes to rails applications
12 232 Téléchargements
device_tracker 0.5.0
Keep track of your devices. Features: - User registration/login/validation ...
11 501 Téléchargements
catscan 0.1.2
A Catscanner for your Rails apps!
10 282 Téléchargements
rformat 0.1.2
rformat will swap out the formatter contents of your ~/.rspec file so you can switch rs...
10 074 Téléchargements
bank_account_number_validator 0.0.3
Bank account number validator in your GemFile.
9 178 Téléchargements
hensel 0.0.3
Hensel makes it easy to build the breadcrumbs.
8 834 Téléchargements
zueribad 0.1.1
displays the temperature and additional information about all municipal baths in zurich
6 825 Téléchargements