oga 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 oga
danger-android_lint 0.0.12
A Danger plugin for Android Lint
5,105,017 下載
video_info 4.2.0
Get video info from Dailymotion, Vimeo and YouTube url.
2,025,835 下載
beaker-puppet 4.2.0
For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
1,952,922 下載
danger-detekt-instacart 0.0.5
A short description of danger-kotlin_detekt. This is a forked version to include detekt...
1,492,971 下載
saxerator 0.9.9
Saxerator is a streaming xml-to-hash parser designed for working with very large xml fi...
984,774 下載
awestruct 0.6.7
Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of...
798,429 下載
turnip_formatter 0.8.0
RSpec custom formatter for Turnip
614,291 下載
opener-daemons 2.7.4
Toolkit for turning OpeNER components into daemons
326,420 下載
prawn-html 0.7.1
HTML to PDF with Prawn PDF
283,704 下載
epub-parser 0.4.8
Parse EPUB 3 book loosely
253,134 下載
ogp 0.5.0
Simple Ruby library for parsing Open Graph prototocol information. See http://ogp.me fo...
154,379 下載
danger-findbugs 0.0.8
A short description of danger-findbugs.
153,121 下載
kiev 4.9.0
Kiev is a logging tool aimed at distributed environments. It logs to JSON, while provid...
140,597 下載
prawn-styled-text 0.1.6
A Prawn PDF component which adds basic HTML support
139,488 下載
danger-pmd 1.0.5
A Danger plugin for PMD.
129,271 下載
dryrun 1.3.2
Tool to try any android library hosted online directly from the command line
124,308 下載
addic7ed 3.0.0
Ruby script (cli) to fetch subtitles on Addic7ed
117,382 下載
miteru 3.0.1
A phishing kit collector for scavengers
95,944 下載
gogetit 0.23.1
This provides the ways that deal with mutiple virtualized and containerized solutions s...
94,364 下載
md2key 0.10.1
Convert markdown to keynote
87,939 下載
codestats-metrics-reporter 0.1.13
Gem that will let you control your code quality by reporting custom metrics to [CodeSta...
86,435 下載
danger-spotbugs 1.0.0
A Danger plugin for SpotBugs.
77,166 下載
pakyow-presenter 1.0.6
Views and presentation for Pakyow
69,535 下載
pakyow-mailer 1.0.6
Mailers for Pakyow
62,965 下載
oxcelix 0.4.2
A fast Excel 2007/2010 (.xlsx) file parser that returns a collection of Matrix objects
60,987 下載
cw 0.4.2
A ruby library to help learn and practice morse code
57,029 下載
giblish 2.2.2
giblish generates indexed and searchable documents from a tree of asciidoc files.
51,280 下載
opal-connect 0.0.22
Connect Opal to Ruby.
50,940 下載
datagnan 1.2.5
HTML-templates engine, without specific (often ugly) tags. Based on 'data-' attributes.
45,935 下載
opener-ner-base 3.1.0
Base NER component for languages such as English.
45,413 下載