RubyGems Navigation menu

omniauth-rails_csrf_protection 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 omniauth-rails_csrf_protection

decidim-core 0.29.2

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

358,343 下載

bullet_train-integrations-stripe 1.19.2

Example Stripe platform integration for Bullet Train applications.

351,455 下載

openstax_accounts 9.9.0

This gem allows Rails apps to easily access the API's and login infrastructure of OpenS...

159,083 下載

bookingsync-engine 6.0.1

A Rails engine to simplify integration with BookingSync API

147,195 下載

bpluser 0.5.0

Shared user access gem for public front ends

77,754 下載

solidus_social 1.6.0

Adds social network login services (OAuth) to Solidus

63,444 下載

omniauth-realme 2.1.2

Omniauth strategy for New Zealands secure online identity verification service.

52,929 下載

artsy-auth 0.2.1

See summary.

47,995 下載

kuroko2 0.8.0

Kuroko2 is a web-based job scheduler/workflow manager created at Cookpad Inc.

42,048 下載

strongmind-auth 1.1.124

Ruby gem for StrongMind authentication in a strongmind app

40,624 下載

ibrain-auth 0.3.20

Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

33,390 下載

omniauth-nitro-id 1.4.0

NitroID Strategy for OmniAuth.

28,598 下載

tokite 0.7.1

Customizable Slack notification from GitHub

21,144 下載

auth1 0.8.0

Auth1 is a Rails Engine for Auth0. Auth1 provides everything you need to use Auth0 in y...

14,693 下載


A stocks and Options Trading Bot.

14,245 下載

phcdevworks_accounts_auth0 0.11.0

Ruby on Rails 7 Authentication and User Management Engine using Auth0 with a nice-looki...

10,295 下載

workarea-facebook_login 2.1.0

Plugin for sign in with Facebook on the Workarea ecommerce platform.

3,453 下載

munificent 2.0.2

The core of Munificent, a game-bundle fundraising platform.

3,382 下載

omniauth-ruesia 1.0.0

Description of Ruesia.

2,105 下載

ruby_shopify_app 1.3.3

This gem is used to get quickly started with the Shopify API

2,040 下載

devise_auth0 1.2.1

Auth0 authentication for devise

1,877 下載

panda-core 0.1.11

Shared development tools, configurations, and utilities for Panda CMS and its related p...

1,786 下載

ombu_labs-auth 1.0.0

Helps us authenticate teammates using GitHub Oauth and Devise

1,571 下載

evematic 0.1.1

Evematic is a full-stack toolkit for building third party applications for EVE Online w...

1,207 下載

railsmaker-core 0.0.4

A comprehensive Rails 8 application generator that sets up a modern stack including Tai...

589 下載

its-ruby-auth 0.0.1

Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

358 下載

總下載次數 46,332,698

這個版本 4,854,566




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
