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one_pager 0.0.1

Everyone loves version control yeah? People also love to keep our business proposals organized. Why not have both? Using `one-pager` you can easily generate new one-pagers anywhere in your system. Simply run `$ one-pager init` in any directory and it will create a `docs/one-pagers` folder if it does not exist, as well as a `.one-pager` file if it already doesn't exist (this file is used for setting configurations). From here you can run commands such as `one-pager create "Allow users to purchase in DogeCoin"` and it will generate a markdown file (`doc/one-pagers/`), which will be pre-populated with with your one-pager template. This can be configured via the `.one-pager` file.

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  1. 0.0.6 - February 07, 2019 (9.5 KB)
  2. 0.0.5 - February 07, 2019 (9.5 KB)
  3. 0.0.4 - February 07, 2019 (9 KB)
  4. 0.0.3 - February 07, 2019 (9 KB)
  5. 0.0.2 - February 07, 2019 (9 KB)
  6. 0.0.1 - February 07, 2019 (9 KB)
Show all versions (6 total)

Runtime Dependencies (2):

gli = 2.18.0
tilt = 2.0.9

Development Dependencies (4):

aruba >= 0
pry >= 0
rake >= 0
rdoc >= 0



  • Michael Poage

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 8,908

For this version 1,404



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
