RubyGems Navigation menu

opal-jquery 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 opal-jquery

roda-component 0.1.73

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

178,443 下載

faastruby 0.5.30

FaaStRuby CLI - Manage workspaces and functions hosted at

103,585 下載

glimmer-dsl-opal 0.29.0

Glimmer DSL for Opal on Rails (Pure Ruby Web GUI and Auto-Webifier of Desktop Apps)

93,814 下載

opal-connect 0.0.22

Connect Opal to Ruby.

48,818 下載

hyper-react 0.99.6

Write advanced React components in Ruby.

45,508 下載

reactrb 0.9.0

Write React UI components in pure Ruby.

24,223 下載

dare 0.2.0

Ruby 2D Game library on top of Opal

19,200 下載

react.rb 0.3.0

Write reactive UI component with Ruby's elegancy and compiled to run in Javascript.

14,030 下載

opal-irb 0.10.0

Irb and more for Opal

10,931 下載

rubyneat_dashboard 0.4.1

A web-based Dashboard for your RubyNEAT development, http://localhost:3912

8,898 下載

volt-slider 0.2.0

Slide any type of content using jquery animate

8,409 下載

creact 0.1.0

Provides React integration with Cuba

7,863 下載

opal-all 0.0.2

This gem simply includes opal, opal-rails, opal-jquery, opal-sprockets and opal-actives...

6,084 下載

cuba-react 1.0.0

Quickly integrate React with your Cuba project

5,946 下載

polished-knockout 0.1.1

An Opal library for creating view models that use Knockout.js for dynamic HTML updates ...

4,733 下載

glimmer-dsl-web 0.2.6

Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web Frontend Framework) enables building Web F...

4,648 下載

opal-httpget 0.1.7

HTTP get request sender for opal.

4,436 下載

diamonds 0.1.5

A web site creator based on Opal browser don't install it now! its buggy and not ready ...

4,252 下載

opal-vienna 0.7.0

Client side MVC framework for Opal

4,043 下載

redson 0.0.1

Redson is a browser based MVC component framework written in Ruby using the Opal ruby-t...

3,236 下載

wedgeio 0.0.1

Components for the Browser and Server

3,176 下載

opal-aasm 0.7.0

Allows the Acts As State Machine (aasm) gem to be used with the Opal Ruby Transpiler. I...

3,098 下載

opal-knockout 0.0.1

Opal library for knockout.js

3,013 下載

receptive 0.3.0

The perfect toolkit to lighten up your existing HTML

1,731 下載

breeze_cms 0.9.6

Breeze is a tailwind based CMS for developers. It renders pages, t...

419 下載

總下載次數 172,018

這個版本 480


Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
