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opal 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 opal

volt 0.9.6

A reactive Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the clie...

388,306 下載

opal-rails 2.0.3

Rails bindings for opal JS engine

209,161 下載

isomorfeus-react 16.13.12

Write React Components in Ruby.

182,240 下載

roda-component 0.1.73

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

178,277 下載

opal-jquery 0.5.1

Opal DOM library for jQuery (Use jQuery with Ruby code)

171,972 下載

opal-sprockets 1.0.3

Sprockets support for Opal.

130,857 下載

opal-activesupport 0.3.3

The port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal

129,637 下載

opal-rspec 1.0.0

Opal compatible RSpec library

128,640 下載

isomorfeus-transport 2.5.5

Channels, authetication and various transport options for Isomorfeus.

125,244 下載

isomorfeus-data 2.5.5

Develop apps with powerful reactive data access and queries.

114,505 下載

isomorfeus-i18n 2.5.5

I18n for Isomorfeus.

113,949 下載

isomorfeus-policy 2.5.5

Access policies for Isomorfeus.

113,357 下載

isomorfeus-operation 2.5.5

Write operations for Isomorfeus in your natural language.

112,160 下載

faastruby 0.5.30

FaaStRuby CLI - Manage workspaces and functions hosted at

103,460 下載

opal-webpack-loader 0.13.0

Bundle assets with webpack, resolve and compile opal ruby files and import them in the ...

100,487 下載

opal-spec 0.3.2

Opal compatible spec library

96,265 下載

isomorfeus-preact 10.9.0

Write Preact Components in Ruby, including styles and reactive data access.

94,248 下載

latexmath 0.1.5

Converts LaTeX math into MathML.

87,309 下載

isomorfeus-mailer 2.5.5

Write mail template components and send mail.

83,364 下載

inesita 0.9.2

Frontent web framework for Opal

81,862 下載

isomorfeus-redux 4.2.0

Use different stores within Isomorfeus and write reducers for redux.

80,230 下載

reactive-ruby 0.7.41

Write React UI components in pure Ruby.

78,337 下載


An extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to LaTeX and provides LaT...

76,002 下載

hyper-resource 1.0.0.lap90

Write Browser Apps that transparently access server side resources like 'MyModel.first_...

75,840 下載

gamefic 3.2.0

An adventure game and interactive fiction framework

66,317 下載

isomorfeus-puppetmaster 0.9.3

Acceptance testing for isomorfeus.

64,989 下載

isomorfeus-asset-manager 0.19.7

Asset manager for isomorfeus to compile Opal code and bundle javascript assets.

61,001 下載

bowser 1.1.3

Minimalist browser support for Opal apps

58,865 下載

opal-browser 0.3.5

Browser support for Opal.

58,842 下載

snabberb 1.5.4

Snabberb is a minimalistic Opal view framework based on Snabbdom. You can write efficie...

54,987 下載

總下載次數 715,918

這個版本 4,246



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
