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opener-daemons 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 opener-daemons

opener-property-tagger 3.4.3

Property tagger for hotels in Dutch and English.

110,778 下載

opener-polarity-tagger 3.5.5

Polarity tagger for various languages.

110,107 下載

opener-language-identifier 4.4.3

Language identifier for human readable text.

97,454 下載

opener-opinion-detector-basic 3.3.0

Basic Opinion Detector.

91,780 下載

opener-tokenizer 2.2.0

Gem that wraps up the the tokenizer cores

82,798 下載

opener-pos-tagger 3.2.0

Gem that wraps up the different existing pos-taggers

82,407 下載

opener-chained-daemon 3.3.28

OpeNER daemon for processing multiple queues at once

73,747 下載

opener-ner 3.0.0

Primary NER component that wraps the various NER kernels.

56,800 下載

opener-scorer 3.0.5

Component for calculating scores of KAF documents

53,149 下載

opener-constituent-parser 2.0.1

Constituent parser including a webservice.

48,806 下載

opener-tree-tagger 4.1.1

Ruby wrapped KAF based Tree Tagger for 6 languages

41,231 下載

opener-outlet 2.0.3

Database storing for the web services output when using callbacks.

41,094 下載

opener-opinion-detector 2.0.1

Gem that wraps up the different existing opinion detectors

38,804 下載

opener-ned 3.0.1

NED client using DBpedia

34,586 下載

opener-kaf2json 2.0.2

Converts KAF input into JSON

33,712 下載

opener-coreference 2.0.1

Gem that wraps the coreference code

29,047 下載

opener-kaf-naf-parser 2.0.3

Parser to translate KAF to NAF and back.

25,628 下載

opener-s3-outlet 2.0.0

S3 Bucket data storing for the web services output when using callbacks.

18,540 下載

總下載次數 326,158

這個版本 949



Apache 2.0

Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
