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Dépendances inversées pour padrino-helpers Latest version of the following gems require padrino-helpers

middleman-core 4.5.1

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

4 804 149 Téléchargements

padrino-gen 0.15.3

Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console

1 433 362 Téléchargements

padrino-admin 0.15.3

Admin View for Padrino applications

1 422 020 Téléchargements

padrino 0.15.3

The Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra

1 386 391 Téléchargements

padrino-cache 0.15.3

Caching support for memcached, page and fragment

1 249 196 Téléchargements

bh 1.3.6

Bh - Bootstrap Helpers

511 203 Téléchargements

bootstrap-navbar 3.2.2

Helpers to generate a Bootstrap style navbar

282 286 Téléchargements

massimo 0.10.3

Massimo builds HTML, Javascript, and CSS Files from your source.

158 251 Téléchargements

machined 1.1.0

Why another static site generator? Machined is for the developers who know and love the...

78 225 Téléchargements

rspec-padrino 0.3.0

rspec-padrino is a gem including helpers for testing a Padrino app using RSpec. Taking ...

76 227 Téléchargements

railsstrap 3.3.4

Make rails and bootstrap sing with awesome helpers, additional components, and more.

51 065 Téléchargements

kaminari-sinatra 1.0.1

kaminari-sinatra privides pagination helpers for your Sinatra templates

46 120 Téléchargements

beans-middleman 1.0.14

A static site generator utilizing Haml, Sass and providing YUI compression and cache bu...

39 640 Téléchargements

days 0.2.0

Simple blog system built up with Sinatra.

34 976 Téléchargements

lockr 0.5.2

Lockr is a password manager that features a local web interface (...

29 194 Téléchargements

padrino-assets 0.3.1

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which uses Sprockets to manage and compile assets

27 372 Téléchargements

padrino-flash 0.2.0

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds support for Rails like flash messages

26 265 Téléchargements

ses-proxy 0.3.2

SMTP Proxy for Amazon Simple Email Service with bounce and complaints support

18 955 Téléchargements

padrino-pipeline 0.4.0

The Padrino asset management system allowing frictionless serving of assets

18 587 Téléchargements

feedcellar-web 0.4.3

Web interface for Feedcellar is a full-text searchable RSS feed reader by Rroonga.

18 389 Téléchargements

polytrix 0.1.4

A polyglot test runner for sample code

17 408 Téléchargements

cabalist 0.0.4

Cabalist is conceived as a simple way of adding some smarts (machine learning capabili...

17 086 Téléchargements

padrino-csrf 0.1.1

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds CSRF protection

14 498 Téléchargements

rbem 0.2

Simple methods for BEM methodology coding on Ruby.

12 502 Téléchargements

padrino-decorator 0.0.4

Object-Oriented layer of presentation logic to your Padrino apps.

11 578 Téléchargements

rb42-videos 1.0.7

Videos is an API for going from a URL to video embed code.

11 044 Téléchargements

vapid 0.1.3

A simple, template-driven content management system.

8 220 Téléchargements

padrino-validation-html5 0.2

automatically add client-side validations

7 399 Téléchargements

foundation-navigation 0.0.2

Helpers to generate a Zurb Foundation style navigation

6 693 Téléchargements

react-sinatra 0.1.1

React on Sinatra Integration

5 913 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 6 070 664

Pour cette version 207 648



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.3.6
