RubyGems Navigation menu

page-object 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 page-object

flights_gui_tests 2.4.98

test automatizado para los productos del equipo flights gui

1,068,156 下載

onlyoffice_webdriver_wrapper 1.30.0

ONLYOFFICE Webdriver Wrapper Gem. Used in QA

986,592 下載

mediawiki_selenium 1.8.1

Several MediaWiki extensions share code that makes it easy to run Selenium tests. This ...

226,748 下載

mediawiki-selenium 0.1.21

DEPRECATED: please use mediawiki_selenium gem instead. Several MediaWiki extensions sha...

100,629 下載

kendo-page-object-widgets 0.2.14

This gem adds kendo widgets to your page-objects

98,438 下載

bimblis 0.0.93

Easier test automation

46,504 下載

lazyman 0.1.14

A test framework using watir-webdriver rspec and page-object

42,804 下載

magicspec 0.0.14

A test framework using watir-webdriver rspec and page-object

35,947 下載

magicspec 0.0.14

A test framework using watir-webdriver rspec and page-object

35,947 下載

RDee 0.9

Dynamically create a connection for Selenium or Watir selecting the browser, version, a...

33,409 下載

ada_matcher 0.1.4

Adds custom rspec matchers that test watir Page objects for ADA compliance

30,398 下載

jqueryui_widgets 1.0

Wrapper around jQueryUI controls for use with page-object gem

28,797 下載

pagetience 0.4.3

A simple gem for making page object waiting easy.

24,922 下載

cwtestgen 0.1.6

Generates the Clockwork specific Cucumber testing environment

23,457 下載

gwt_widgets 0.0.7

A page-object extension for GWT apps, to support cucumber tests

21,669 下載

page-objectify 0.0.10

A Ruby page class generator (for use with the page-object gem)

21,609 下載

mobilify 1.2.1

page-object methods invoked with one call but defined contextually

17,470 下載

sakai-oae-test-api 0.0.7

The Sakai-OAE gem provides an API for interacting with the web pages and page elements ...

15,867 下載

admin_module 0.1.8

Command line interface for Admin Module

15,533 下載

topoisomerase 0.1.5

Used to create stubs for documenting dynamic Ruby methods.

14,356 下載

browserstack-cucumber 0.3

A Ruby helper for running tests in BrowserStack

13,952 下載

kuali-sakai-common-lib 0.0.8

This gem provides a set of modules and methods that are common to the Kuali and Sakai o...

13,580 下載

page-object-pal 0.1.3

Page object maintenance made easier

11,547 下載

watir-customize_elements 0.0.6

Automatically instantiates custom HTML tag names into watir-webdriver and\or page-objec...

11,223 下載

gxt-widgets 0.2.1

An Extension to page-object gem which provides widgets for interacting with GXT control...

9,756 下載

ams_layout 0.0.4

Generate AMS Portal control field configuration data

9,073 下載

iemodal 0.0.4

Makes it possible to interact with modal dialogs in Internet Explorer

8,042 下載

dojo_widgets 0.2

Wrapper around dijit controls for use with page-object gem

7,096 下載

abak-selenium-integration 1.0.6

Integration gem for test automatisation based on page-object

6,855 下載

portal_module 0.0.3

Command line interface for Portal Module

5,192 下載

總下載次數 15,130,292

這個版本 4,164,627




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
