RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para pageflow La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren pageflow

pageflow-support 17.0.4

Spec support for Pageflow extensions.

103.270 Descargas

scrollytelling-pageflow-navigation 12.0.0

Replace Pageflow navigation with Scrollytelling navigation

70.514 Descargas

pageflow-linkmap-page 2.10.0

Pageflow page type for a page that contains customizable link areas

37.459 Descargas

pageflow-embedded-video 1.10.0

Pagetype for embedded youtube/vimeo videos

33.535 Descargas

pageflow-external-links 2.6.0

Pageflow Page Type for links to external sites

33.160 Descargas

pageflow-before-after 1.6.0

Pageflow page type for before/after image slider.

33.101 Descargas

pageflow-progress-navigation-bar 1.9.0

Pageflow navigation widget.

32.584 Descargas

pageflow-chart 2.6.0

Pagetype for Embedded Datawrapper Charts

29.621 Descargas

pageflow-text-page 1.8.0

Pageflow Page Type text pages

24.714 Descargas

pageflow-panorama 2.4.0

Pagetype for iframe embedded 360° panoramas

22.873 Descargas

pageflow-internal-links 1.6.0

Pageflow page types for linking to other pages.

20.263 Descargas

pageflow-outline-navigation-bar 1.6.0

Pageflow navigation widget.

20.019 Descargas

pageflow-new-pages-box 1.5.0

Pageflow new pages box widget.

19.314 Descargas

scrollytelling-navigation 12.0.4

Scrollytelling “dots” navigation for Pageflow

18.399 Descargas

pageflow-timeline-page 1.6.0

Pageflow page type for links ordered as timeline.

18.047 Descargas

pageflow-sitemap 1.5.0

Interactive sitemap view in editor-

16.527 Descargas

pageflow-parent-page-box 1.5.0

Pageflow navigation widget to leave current storyline.

16.272 Descargas

scrollytelling-loading_spinner 12.0.1

Render the Scrollytelling CSS loading spinner instead of the Pageflow built-in loading ...

14.097 Descargas

pageflow-vr 1.5.0

Page type for 360° videos based on Google Vrview.

13.070 Descargas

pageflow-oembed 1.2.1

This plugin enhances Pageflow stories with OEmbed functionality. When a link is present...

12.164 Descargas

pageflow-react 0.1.1

Building Pageflow page types with React.js

5.067 Descargas

scrollytelling-counter 0.2.0

A counter for Pageflow stories.

4.406 Descargas

scrollytelling-video_controls 1.0.0

Replace Pageflow video controls with the Scrollytelling version

4.288 Descargas

pageflow-localfocus 1.0.0

Localfocus charts integration for Pageflow

3.771 Descargas

scrollytelling-piwik 0.1.0

Render the Piwik analytics JavaScript snippet for Pageflow stories.

3.108 Descargas

scrollytelling-pageflow-comscore 0.1.0

Render a dynamic ComScore analytics Javascript widget for Pageflow stories.

2.539 Descargas

pageflow-countastic 0.1.0

🌟 Plain boring numbers in your story become animated 🌟

2.191 Descargas

Total de descargas 198.444

Para esta versión 361



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
