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parslet 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 parslet


(This is Alex's version of Showoff, so I can share my presentations \ without waiting ...

10,519 下載

atl_config 0.2.3

Given an Atlassian JIRA or Confluence install, figures out the database details from co...

10,497 下載

fifthed_sim 0.3.0

This is a simulator to run a D&D encounter. It provides DSL-like tools to describe ...

10,300 下載

syslog-parser 0.1.0

Parse RFC5424 Syslog messages

10,161 下載

date_interval 0.0.3

Parse date intervals from strings

9,922 下載

ucd 0.1.4

A simple language for easily specifying UML class diagrams and generating output based ...

9,857 下載

libis-metadata 1.1.1

A gem with every generic ruby tool and class related to metadata.

9,852 下載

picatrix 0.5.5

See more at!topic/api-craft/QlRF3lMusm0

9,497 下載

ruote-stomp-maestrodev 2.2.4

Stomp participant/listener pair for ruote 2.2

9,344 下載


This is a ruby implementation of the Quark language

9,321 下載

unified 1.0.2

A gem for parsign unified diff files into usable Ruby objects

9,242 下載

str2hash 0.1.1

Tiny parser for converting strings to hashes (without using eval).

9,214 下載

flooph 0.2

Flooph is a Ruby library designed to let you take code from (possibly-malicious) users ...

9,139 下載

swarm 0.3.0

A Ruby workflow engine

8,904 下載

msgpack-idl 0.1.1

MessagePack IDL Processor

8,644 下載

arst 0.0.3

Abstract Ruby Syntax Tree (ARST) is a high-level language syntax denoting the object do...

8,495 下載

berkeley_library-marc 0.3.1

A gem providing MARC-related utility code and extensions to ruby-marc for the UC Berkel...

8,417 下載

lc_callnumber 0.1.1

Work with LC Call (Classification) Numbers

8,410 下載

lucene_query_parser 0.0.2

Parser class and syntax checking script for validating Lucene queries

8,404 下載

internet_scrabble_club 0.2.0

Interact with the Internet Scrabble Club server.

8,392 下載

universe-parsing 0.1.1

gem install universe-parsing

7,871 下載

ruby-marc-spec 0.1.3

An implementation of the MARCspec query language for Ruby and ruby-marc

7,690 下載


ShowOff is a Sinatra web app that reads simple configuration files for a presentation...

7,663 下載

json-parser 0.0.1

A simple JSON parser

7,573 下載

rip-parser 0.1.2

Composable parser for Rip

7,221 下載

chordpro 1.0.2

A ruby parser for the chordpro song file format.

6,997 下載

obtuse 0.0.2

A Stack-oriented programming language, optimized for brevity.

6,972 下載

log2mail 0.0.1.pre4

A regular expression based log file monitoring tool.

6,850 下載

bag_of_holding 0.0.2

Utilities for your tabletop gaming needs

6,805 下載

parslet-export 2.0.0

Turn Parslet::Parser into other things

6,624 下載

總下載次數 66,019,070

這個版本 10,602,812




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
