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phantomjs 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 phantomjs

jasmine 3.99.0

Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a...

9,532,897 下載

jasmine-rails 0.15.0

Provides a Jasmine Spec Runner that plays nicely with Rails 3.2 assets and sets up jasm...

4,263,677 下載

unobtainium 0.13.0

Unobtainium wraps Selenium and Appium in a simple driver abstraction so that test c...

624,282 下載

activeadmin-async_panel 0.3.0

Allows to define special attributes for ActiveAdmin panel to make it AJAX loadable and ...

543,632 下載

active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

491,752 下載

unobtainium-multifind 0.4.0

This gem provides a driver module for unobtainium allowing for more easily finding ...

367,997 下載

unobtainium-multiwait 0.3.0

This gem provides a driver module for unobtainium allowing for more easily waiting ...

313,058 下載

activeadmin-ajax_filter 0.7.0

Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages usi...

308,799 下載

unobtainium-cucumber 0.5.0

The unobtainium-cucucmber gem adds some convenient cucumber specific hooks for use ...

265,136 下載

adops_report_scrapper 0.2.52

Adops Report Scrapper is a collection of web scrappers that can automatically extract t...

262,221 下載

activeadmin_sortable_table 1.3.0

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

231,717 下載

flok 0.0.105

Flok is a cross-platform application framework system that exports javascript files

219,446 下載

activeadmin_latlng 1.5.0

Small Active Admin plugin for setting up latitude and longitude.

207,193 下載

capybara-bootstrap-datepicker 0.2.4

Helper for triggering date input for bootstrap-datepicker javascript library

174,843 下載

think_feel_do_engine 3.22.9

Description of ThinkFeelDoEngine.

147,591 下載

jasmine-phantom 0.0.11

jasmine-phantom provides a rake task, jasmine:phantom:ci, that run...

130,474 下載

screencap 0.1.4

a gem to grab screenshots of webpages, or just parts of webpages

90,254 下載

teabag 0.7.3

Run Javascript tests using Jasmine, Mocha or QUnit in the browser or headlessly using P...

87,152 下載

boojs 0.0.32

A unix tool to execute javascript on a headless browser

72,552 下載

gastly 1.1.0

Create screenshots or previews of web pages using Gastly. Under the hood Phantom.js and...

52,109 下載


STEEM centric Discord bot.

51,888 下載

bbc-a11y 0.3.1

A tool for testing the compliance of web URLs against the BBC's accessibilty guidelines

51,143 下載

ansi_stream 0.0.6

Javascipt to colorize HTML with span

46,294 下載

phantompdf 2.0.0

Generate PDF from HTML using PhantomJS

34,836 下載

social_networking 0.13.3

Social networking components, including the feed tool

33,839 下載

phantom_jasmine 0.1.0

Adds a new rake task jasmine:phantom that runs specs in parallel using phantoms js.

28,303 下載

balboa 0.1.7

Make Balboa do the punches for you

22,293 下載

page-objectify 0.0.10

A Ruby page class generator (for use with the page-object gem)

21,207 下載

mathjax-renderer 0.0.9

In case there is a need to pre-render MathJax expressions or insert as images

20,964 下載



20,298 下載

總下載次數 17,908,028

這個版本 13,170,651



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
