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photofy 0.3.1

A gem to provide simple method to do file upload of pictures and provides getter setter methods of it and save on model object commit. #Generates photo filed from photo_field arguments and provides methods like #if photo_filed is "collage" then it provides methods on top of it as #collage >> Getter, #collage? >> Returns true if assignment is having value other than nil else false, #collage = >> Setter. Acceptable inputs are file upload(ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile), filer handle and String(format validation is ignored), #collage_path >> File path of assignment, collage_s3publicpath >> Public aws s3 url provider if (aws s3 is used as storage), #collage_path_to_write >> File path of assignment to write (specific to writing. Used internally), #collage_persisted? >> true if provided file/data is stored on disk, #collage_store! >> to store provided file/data on disk, #collage_destroy! >> to store destroy stored file/data from disk

= Copy to clipboard Copied!



  1. 0.6.4 - November 13, 2017 (8 KB)
  2. 0.6.3 - September 15, 2017 (8 KB)
  3. 0.6.2 - September 15, 2017 (8 KB)
  4. 0.6.1 - September 07, 2017 (8 KB)
  5. 0.5.5 - October 03, 2016 (7.5 KB)
  6. 0.3.1 - November 06, 2014 (8 KB)
Show all versions (23 total)

Runtime Dependencies (1):

aws-sdk >= 1.49.0, ~> 1.49



  • Praveen Kumar Sinha, Annu Yadav, Sachin Choudhary

SHA 256 checksum:

= Copy to clipboard Copied!

Total downloads 54,145

For this version 2,284



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
