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pocketknife 0.1.0

pocketknife is a devops tool for managing computers running chef-solo, powered by Opscode Chef. Using pocketknife, you create a project that describes the configuration of your computers and then deploy it to bring them to their intended state. With pocketknife, you don't need to setup or manage a specialized chef-server node or rely on an unreliable network connection to a distant hosted service whose security you don't control, deal with managing chef's security keys, or deal with manually synchronizing data with the chef-server datastore. With pocketknife, all of your cookbooks, roles and nodes are stored in easy-to-use files that you can edit, share, backup and version control with tools you already have.

= 複製 已複製



  1. 0.2.0 - June 18, 2012 (24.5 KB)
  2. 0.1.0 - May 17, 2011 (19.5 KB)
  3. 0.0.1 - May 17, 2011 (18.5 KB)

Runtime 相依性套件 (2):

rye ~> 0.9.0

Development 相依性套件 (6):

bluecloth ~> 2.1.0
bundler ~> 1.0.0
jeweler ~> 1.6.0
rcov >= 0
rspec ~> 2.3.0
yard ~> 0.6.0



  • Igal Koshevoy

SHA 256 總和檢查碼:

= 複製 已複製

總下載次數 10,283

這個版本 3,183


Ruby 版本需求:
